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How do you get yourself away from social media & do your real work? - Printable Version

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How do you get yourself away from social media & do your real work? - Autumn - 02-19-2014 12:27 PM

My "real work" I have to do on the computer.
However, I spend way too much time checking my Facebook, looking at craigslist, looking at my blog stats, reading articles I found on Facebook, links my friends send me, it goes on and on. When I'm done checking everything, by that time it's been a while since I checked for new emails so, I look at my email again.
I wish I could turn on my computer and just do my work. I know I could be much more successful with my work if I could do this.
I'm looking for suggestions on how to not let social media take over my day.
Compared to other people, I don't participate in as many social media platforms as they do.
I use:
my email
my own blog
and of course sometimes I peruse yahoo answers

I haven't used any of the newer ones like Reddit, Tumblr, Google +, Pinterest
If I did start using these, I'd never sleep.
I don't even go there.

How do you all manage to not check things so frequently and just work on your real work?

- Kermit - 02-19-2014 12:35 PM

Well for one my employer blocks social media sites. So thats off limits. Plus i am also afraid of losing my job by dicking around on the internet all day. However, i say this as im answering your question on Yahoo Answers while im at work.