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How do social media sites make money? - Printable Version

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How do social media sites make money? - thestormlscoming - 10-14-2012 10:42 AM

In the simplest of terms, can you explain how websites get money? I understand that many have advertisements, but what about sites such as wikipedia? i dont see ads there. is it based off of how many hits? if so, why? we're not paying to use sites, how do they make money off us?

- Vertical Reality - 10-14-2012 10:50 AM

Wikipedia is not for profit.

Almost all of their money comes from donations and pledges.

Facebook, Google and others get almost all their revenue off advertising. And it's also important to note that these companies are not profitable for a long time. I think it's only been recently that Facebook made an actual profit from their website.

They probably have other ways aside from advertising (though advertising is probably the largest) but you would have to look at each website on a case by case basis.

Oh and I forgot to add these sites also probably sell stuff like Google t-shirts (an example, I don't know if google actually sells t-shirts).

- gosam777 - 10-14-2012 10:50 AM

Many sites charge you for membership to use premium services like pod-casts, read certain articles, newsletters, and other services. Most do use advertising. Some are financed by political or social PAC groups, to advance their political/social agenda. Although they may not use advertising, their contents are designed to influence your beliefs.