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Tips on starting a beauty/fashion/lifestyle youtube channel? x? - Printable Version

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Tips on starting a beauty/fashion/lifestyle youtube channel? x? - ChikaRose<3 - 02-19-2014 12:28 PM

Any tips and ideas would be highly appreciated!
I'm scared though, I'm worried about the reactions I would get because I do have two disabilities (which I won't go into) so I'm worried what people will think about that!
And what sort of names should I name? I was thinking My nick name and my middle name? (Kels_Sarah, Kelsey-Sarah) please do give suggestions, I would really love it! 10 points to the best answer of course.

Thank you! x

- Andrea - 02-19-2014 12:37 PM

I can help on tips well first make sure that you have good quality videos, speak loud enough, be prepared for your video meaning don&#x27;t just ramble and have awkward moments lol..I&#x27;m sure you&#x27;re beautiful but people can be really mean for no reason so you have to be sure that you can handle it.

- Lil Lady - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

There are successful channels with all kinds of people. I'd not use your real name or anything that gives a clue to where you live, go to school, or work. Ever. That would go for anyone especially really young girls. How about Kells Belles?

- Emily - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

Don't put any underscores in your username! You want a name people will remember. Something easy to say also. And easy to spell. Here are some examples of people already on youtube: beautybaby44, missglamourazzi, missjenfabulous, Nikki Phillipi (your name is ok too!), JennaMarbles, PrankvsPrank, itsgrace. Those are some easy examples.
Also if your doing a beauty channel you have to be broad on your video titles. There are a lot of failing beauty channels out there with no veiws because their titles aren't being looked up! If you type in the video you're going to do in the search bar the first thing that pops up is what people are ALREADY searching.
I have some beginner video ideas for you... look books. With titles like "summer lookbook" or "January lookbook." People love lookbooks. And if you don't know what that is just search it. Also tutorial videos. Eyeshadow, highlighting,and contouring tutorials are searched the most. Another popular thing on youtube is tags. If you don't know what a tag is just look it up. There are TONS of tags you can do. I would say the most popular tag is the accent tag. You should also do CREATIVE diy (do it yourself) videos, with "how to" before the title or "diy" and then your title. Giveaways are also known to draw in subs. But only do it once you have a good amount of subs. "What's in my bag", or "what's on my phone" videos are popular. And what I used to look up ALL THE TIME is everyday routines. People love those. Anyway you get the point. Do searchable popular videos. Not something wayyy to narrow like "outfit reveiws from 1998" like who's gonna look that up.
As for content it needs to be GOOD. you shouldn't be using a laptop or webcam. You should have a good quality camera to film and some good editing apps/software on your computer. In the downbar of your videos you should have links and words down there. You look sloppy if you don't have anything down there. So get a twitter, facebook, vine,google plus. And link them in the downbar. You can also make money from youtube.. join google adSense. You will make money from the amount of veiws you get with this. Some people on youtube earn complete incomes off this and sponsers and more things because they began with adSense.
So I think ive given you sufficient advice and I hope your channel blasts off! Good luck!