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how to stop my niece going on Facebook? - Printable Version

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how to stop my niece going on Facebook? - Greg - 02-19-2014 12:28 PM

My 12 year old nice has been sending very dirty messages to men through Facebook My brother and his wife are running out of ways to stop her as some of the messages are very unpleasant to be sending to men when they've closed her account but she jus creates a new one they've blocked it on her home pc and on her phone but she goes to friends and does a new account using a false name they've tried talking to her but hasn't worked! Shes not bullying anyone for the record! if anyone can suggest anything be great!!!!! Please no stupid remarks

- Ryan - 02-19-2014 12:30 PM

Contact her friend's parents to supervise her usage on the internet.

- Paddy - 02-19-2014 12:37 PM

What about this: Next time you see her, just say she can do whatever she wants on the computer, and that you don't care, however, she won't know that you'll be secretly spying on what she is doing whilst on Facebook, IF she does anything bad, then sit her down, and shout at her, if that doesn't work say you're going to take a picture of the messages and send it to her parents, who will then send it to her friends parents... If she wants Facebook, then she won't be naughty on it...

The simple way: say that you're going to get her parents to tell her friends parents about this, which would: 1. Embarress her..... 2. Will hopefully be supervised when going round a friends house and on laptop... TRUST ME, as a 12 year old myself I know that I wouldn't want to be embarrassed in that way, so I'm nearly 1000000% sure she wouldn't to. :-)

- jegs - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

If you have a router you can block any traffic to Facebook or any website for that matter from your internet connection. No matter how many accounts she has. You can password protect the router so she can't change any settings in it also. If you don't have a router ask your internet provider if they can provide you with one. They can also help you set up the website blocking and passwords.