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Should I add my boyfriend's friend that's a female on facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I add my boyfriend's friend that's a female on facebook? - Giraffe♡ - 02-19-2014 12:28 PM

So I sound like a preteen going through a drama queen stage but hear me out. This was awhile ago May of 2013 and it still bothers me. I am 19 years old and my boyfriend is 22. (I will be 20 and he will be 23 soon). He has a friend that he is close to or was anyway. They don't talk as much anymore. She has a boyfriend and of course my boyfriend is with me. This friend of his asked him to go to breakfast with her at 6 AM in the morning. My boyfriend told me about it and then he asked, "Why didn't she ask her boyfriend instead of me?" Jealousy of course fired up inside me. In a previous relationship, my ex emotionally cheated on me with a girl he was close to so he broke up with me. Memories flooded back of that time when I as hurt so, could you blame me being jealous? Anyhow, I only spoke to this girl once and when i met her she gave me a sneer. That was way back when me and my boyfriend were still a fairly new couple (Estimate maybe a month or two in). Anyway, I do not care as much anymore about her and I wonder if I should still add her. I mean, i can't say i don't fully care because I do. That time still is in my head wondering if she secretly likes my boyfriend even though she has her own boyfriend. Should I add her or just forget about it?

- cloveryer - 02-19-2014 12:35 PM

babe she's not your friend so you shouldn't add her on facebook
you said you only spoke to her once - so why add her
facebook is for friends
and clearly she is not your friend

- Áine - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

no obligation is on her for you to add her.

- Katsmom37 - 02-19-2014 12:48 PM

Don't add her; you don't like her so why be fake and have her as a fb friend?

and the whole breakfast at 6am thing sounds to me like she was having problems with her bf and needed to talk to her friend about it. And btw, your boyfriend gets a gold star for questioning why she needed to have breakfast with him instead of her bf lol.

I say just leave it all alone, and if she continues being catty to you, to just ignore it and her bad behaviour towards you will not go unnoticed by your bf. He'll see her for her meanness and you'll look even better in his eyes Smile

- Jovana - 02-19-2014 12:52 PM

Please, just forget about it. You dont need to worry, your boyfriend even told you that he will meet her. Enjoy in your relationship and dont think about the past and how you got hurt by your ex boyfriend. This can just make things worse..

Just imagine if you add this girl and then she says to your boyfriend, you will just make problems to yourself for no reason.

You are very lucky because your boyfriend is telling you everything, so dont ruin that over some unimportant girl.