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I need help! I need to know if I did the right thing!!!!? - Printable Version

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I need help! I need to know if I did the right thing!!!!? - Carly - 02-19-2014 12:28 PM

So my friend and I had to stop hanging out because it was making things though for him and his gf. I offered to leave and he said we were fine but then changed his mind 2 days later, went no contact and deleted me off of Facebook. It's been several weeks and his gf keeps on getting on his fb and making his statuses and cover/profile pics say means things about him. When he himself changed them back it was to a photo that I told him I really liked and thought was cool........
I guess my question is: did I do the right thing by offering to leave? Or did I just offend him? Do you think he'll come back? Please help. Sad

- Natasha - 02-19-2014 12:30 PM

You did the right thing by leaving. I don know why his gf is being so rude but she's probably jealous.

- China - 02-19-2014 12:32 PM

Oh.. I'm sooo sorry! That girls a jerk but honestly I don't know very much but if you like him email him saying: hey I messed up your a good friend and I said I could leave I shouldn't have said it, honestly your a fun friend to hang out with and I don't think just because your girlfriend doesn't like me we should just stop being friends and ignore each other. But maybe u shouldn't do that if it would just wreck the whole thing more, it depends on
how much of friends you to were before he started dating that jerk of a girl/woman