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Did you post baby bump photos? (social media?)? - Printable Version

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Did you post baby bump photos? (social media?)? - Peaches12 - 02-19-2014 12:30 PM

I was wondering how you felt about posting baby bump photos on social media sites?
Did you post your baby bump?

I'm 10 weeks pregnant & starting to get a baby belly. People who know that I am pregnant (co-workers) are already rubbing it. If you would see me on the street you may think I was just a bit chubby. (I'm 5 foot 2 & 120lbs so its noticeable) Many of my family & friends have left me messages asking where the baby bump photos are. So I'm unsure how I feel about it.

(I love the word baby bump I'm gonna use it! Smile )
I love my dog. I always say I love him more then my husband.Every one keeps saying how hard its going to be for my poor dog to not be the only baby. (I can't go to the bathroom alone I always have a shadow) SO I wanted to take a photo of me holding him like a baby & the baby bump below. Saying "He doesn't know what is below & yet to come" Also start posting photos about every 2 weeks. 10, 12, 14, etc.

- Allissa - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

I would. I posted pics of both my first two. People love babies. Just make sure they're tactful. (Don't pull your pants way down or pull your shirt way up, etc). I love seeing my friends baby bumps. Being pregnant is amazing and people can help you feel better when you're feeling down about your pregnant body!

- Danica - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

Yep! I'm even in the process of making a video montage to put on youtube. I'm 32 weeks and I take a pic every 2 weeks or so and post them for family to see. Smile

- ? - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

i totally posted photos i did them every two weeks, i dont see anything wrong with it, its fun to share you excitment with your friends and family!
good luck Smile and congrats!

- Yvonne - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

I posted weekly photos of my belly progress on Myspace when I was pregnant with my daughter from 5 - 40.5 weeks. It seemed like "everyone" was doing it back then so I did too lol. I am 6 weeks 5 days with my third and haven't taken any photos yet. I plan on it but I'm not going to post them on Facebook, not every week at least. Maybe when I get a little bigger for my friends/family who don't live close. My husband's childhood best friend said she is going to live vicariously through my pregnancy since she has 2 daughters and is done (had cervical cancer) and I am ok with that.

Social media sites weren't really popular when I had my son 9 years ago and the only few pictures I did have, a family member stole (don't ask...he's a weirdo) so I have no pictures from that period of time.

- ToxicStorm - 02-19-2014 12:58 PM

I haven't yet and I don't think I will. I've never been comfortable with my body - I've always been a bit overweight - but I love baby bump pictures and if I would have been smaller before pregnancy, I probably would have posted pictures. But I agree with the above poster, just make sure that they aren't trashy, as in, barely having clothes on, etc.