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How is your faith affected by social media, pop culture, and friends in today's society? - Printable Version

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How is your faith affected by social media, pop culture, and friends in today's society? - DEI-DEI - 02-19-2014 12:30 PM

I have a research paper due for English on problems teenagers face. my essay will answer the question above: How is your faith affected by social media, pop culture, and friends in today's society? I need a few resources that may answer or provide information for my research paper. If you can help me by providing an swer to the question and some resources to back your statement up that will be a great help.

- James - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

As logic and education grows, religion shrinks. It's only natural.

- Sarah - 02-19-2014 12:38 PM

Christians like Miley Cyrus and Bristol Palin are sexing up foam fingers and married men, or having sex and getting pregnant out of wedlock.

- Crazyloaf313 - 02-19-2014 12:41 PM

Before I was an atheist I read quotes from bible and quran online(because who reads the whole thing anyway) and started finding something was very wrong. Now after learning more about my own religion and a bit of bible and quran reading I'm totally convinced religion was mind control for the masses not some absolute truth and stuff. Human made.

- Isabella - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

I'm not a teenager.

But even when I was, I've never been the type of person that was influenced by peer pressure much at all, and never when it came to what I believed personally. Today, with very few exceptions, I think most of what passes as social media is idiocy really, serving only to bring the general populace down in both social skills, common courtesy and intelligence in general....that serves only to influence me even less then.

added @James - this is a common misinformation. Simply google the annual Top 10 Most Educated Countries in the World list, just released a couple of weeks ago, and you'll see only 2 of them are atheistic Countries so one really needs to question why this lie continues to be perpetuated and what's missing in those that do so.

- ? - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

Everywhere you look it's a struggle between right and wrong, good and evil. It wasn't until Jesus saved me and gave me eyes to see that I realized how the world works. It's lost and dying without God. Pop culture lures people away from Truth, introducing the younger generations to gangs, sex, violence. They trade wrong for right and right for wrong. The whole system is perverted. Superman is a mockery of Jesus, being the man from another world coming to save the earth. Gays think it's normal marry, while not considering reproduction. In their selfishness they deny God, even hate God in their rebellion. See a pattern with the world? There is no face in the secular world? It's Satans playground. Faith separates you from the world once you accept Christ. It's a real experience that takes place that gives you a new heart.

- Chi girl - 02-19-2014 12:58 PM

Not at all. The Orthodox Christian Church is a rock.

- Adullah M - 02-19-2014 01:03 PM

You should look through these perspectives ie; Social ,Culture ,Ethics ,Emotion,Ideology and especially on Religious point of view that can regulate on these parts of teenagers life.

- Heretic - 02-19-2014 01:11 PM

It's not. What i believe and how i believe is all up to me.

- Theta Works - 02-19-2014 01:18 PM

Social media doesn't influence the fact that my religion works.