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Are the groups on Facebook suggesting that if you join you'll be able to see who's viewed your profile real? - Printable Version

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Are the groups on Facebook suggesting that if you join you'll be able to see who's viewed your profile real? - LvlyBstnGrl - 02-19-2014 12:30 PM

Hi, I've recently seen that a bunch of my FaceBook friends have joined various groups suggesting that if you join-- and invite a minimum of 15 of your friends-- you'll be able to see a grid letting you know know who (or most of whom) have viewed your profile. I think this may be a fraud, but I can't find any info on this anywhere, even on Snopes. Clearly, something like this would be against Facebook policy yet as we know, Facebook has let us down in the past. I would very much appreciate any valid information you might be able to share with me on this. Thanks in advance!!!

- george - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

I've seen it too.

It was made by some kid with no life thinking he could get a bunch of stupid kids to join the group and see who looks at their profiles. He was, unfortunately, right.

It goes against Facebook terms to see who is viewing your profile and if you are viewing someone else's.

- strickenaza34 - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

No, they are not for real, and all your friends who have joined it, and help the creator play with himself over how many people are joining his "great": group should really slap themselves. Think about it, how can a facebook group tell you who has viewed your profile, the closest any group will get to your profile is being on your feed. There are 3rd party sites I use, for myspace, haven't tried them on facebook though, guess they may work, if facebook allows that I'll include the link for you. Don't trust anything that people say, which I guess includes me, why people would even belive that a group, directing you to another site, for advertising purposes I don't know. But, don't be fooled.