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My Instagram isn't working!! Please help!!!? - Printable Version

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My Instagram isn't working!! Please help!!!? - Amber - 02-19-2014 12:30 PM

I'm really worried. When I log into my account it says to secure my account I need to reset my password which I can't do because my email and Facebook Arnt linked with it and I worked hard for that account I have over 1k my username is amberseaton . Please please help ! Thank you so much!!!!( I have tried deleting and re downloading the app)

- Arthur Dent - 02-19-2014 12:34 PM

Unfortunately, if you've forgotten your password and lost access to your email account, we're unable to release the Instagram account to you. This includes accounts registered with mistyped email addresses. We understand this can be frustrating, but this policy is meant to make sure Instagram accounts don't fall into the wrong hands. We hope that you are able to recall your password in the future so that you can log in and correct the email address.

I recommend using a password manager like Keepass or LastPass to create and store strong unique passwords for the sites you visit. You can also save notes like your secret questions and answers to the password entries. LastPass can automatically log you in to any web site you have stored in its database.