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how do i tell my parents that im a dad even though i dont want to be? - Printable Version

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how do i tell my parents that im a dad even though i dont want to be? - Jaemie - 02-19-2014 12:30 PM

when i was in middle school there was this girl that liked me i was in the 7th and she was in 8th grade. at the time i heard that she was easy and that she wanted to go out with me, i didnt like her back but she had nice body features and i just wanted to lose my virginity , about a week later after we knew each other things happend. after she went on to highschool i moved schools at the time too, and now 3 years later she found my facebook account and sent me a long message saying that ''she needs help and that i need to call her as soon as possible because i f***** up'' thats exactly what she said and she showed me a picture of the baby , im really scared because i never thought that this would happen to me , the picture hit me so hard because the baby looks just like her but she has my blue eyes and red hair , she also told me shes 1 year and 8 months old . someone PLEASE give me advice , im 16 now and im guessing shes 17 now , but im only halfway through highschool and i already have a girlfriend! how is it even possible for me to make a girl pregnant at the time , i was only like 12 ! can i just ignore the mesage and close my account? because it seems like nobody else knows but her and her parents, i just dont know what to do.

- Star80 - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

get a DNA test done it may not be yours

- Corina - 02-19-2014 12:40 PM

If its been 4 years the baby cant be 1 year 8 months..
However you should tell your parents she is claiming the baby yours, and get a dna test. The baby deserves that.

- Dylan - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

Get a DNA test it probably isn't yours. If it's been 4 years the baby can't be only 1 year 8 months old. It would be more like 3 years 2 months old. And a 12 year old can get a girl pregnant because most of them have started puberty by then.

- Stop Using My Name - 02-19-2014 12:48 PM

Tell your parents the truth... You had intercourse in middle school because you wanted to see what it was like and now the girl you were intimate with is claiming the child is yours, which might be unlikely given the child's age but that you need to get a DNA test to determine whether or not the child is yours.

- Johnny - 02-19-2014 12:56 PM

i honestly wouldn't worry, based on the information you have provided you are in no way the father of the baby, it is too young to be yours. Anyways it wouldn't hurt to get a DNA test for maximum assurance. I suggest you come clean to your parents because only they are going to be able to help you. Best of luck!