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We're friends and some things changed... does she like me(This is long so bare with me)? - Printable Version

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We're friends and some things changed... does she like me(This is long so bare with me)? - Owen Benedict - 02-19-2014 12:31 PM

We've been friends for 4 years... but for the past few months somethings changed. I started developing these feelings for her. I thought she liked me before too(cause of some signs)... long story short... she kinda rejected those feelings before. Probably because she still likes this guy... that rejected her when she confessed to him or because she is christian and I am catholic. (She kinda prefers a christian suitor, she said it herself)

Anyways to salvage the friendship. I lied and kept my feelings to myself, I avoided any unnecessary contact. Then came a few months ago. Particularly before Christmas vacation... I was one of the few people who she gave a gift to. (Just after I finally accepted her just being friends and all)... I arrived 1st, she gave me a gift, I said thank you, and she asked for a hug in return. I stayed until all our friends that she invited came and I noticed I was the only guy who she hugged for that long (which is like 6 seconds) and they include her guy best friend.

But still... I took that as her being a friend. After the holidays... we came back from school... during our 1st day together noticeably she took every opportunity she can to playfully hit me... for example, I make a joke she laughs and she hits me playfully. She touched my shoulders and sometimes she touches my arms. At this point I became curious... is she flirting with me? I tested her a few times.When the opportunity presented itself I side-hugged her a few times while we we're walking. I once stroked her face when she said she's having a headache. She never asked why or got annoyed... she just went with the flow.

Then came a couple of weeks back... she got was genuinely concerned so...I chatted her through Facebook. I said "I heard you we're sick...measles... huh... I hope you get well soon... Treat it as if you would treat a fever...sleep, rest and drink lots of fluids."

Then she replied "Awwww. Thanks__my name___. Thanks for your concern. It means a lot. You're so sweet. Any girl would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend. Big Grin"

This caught me off guard. Specially when she mentioned the boyfriend thing. The next week... we we're in class and she sat beside me. For some reason... I can't remember what we we're talking about... she sorta kinda stroked her hand on my face.

While we we're in class she complimented me for having a question right then she held on my arm for like a brief second. She also initiated conversations out of the blue...while I was walking around alone...she invited me to a concert of some sort in our school...I read on the internet that if a girl makes plans with you that is a good sign of interest.

During our next class together she asked me to sit beside her and she made me a cover photo(the big banner used on every facebook profile) that I can use on my facebook page which I am currently using now. I also noticed her body language during class is always directed towards me. I mean... she always points leans on whatever direction i am in.

At this point I am really starting to like her again... so I made a facebook status... I posted a link to one of Jesse McCartney's songs... then she commented on it "I shouldn't love you, but I want to. I just can't turn turn away." This line is from the song. But why would she type that... if she ain't interested right?! If I we're just another guy friend who sent this song she would have said "I love that song". But nooooo... she needs to quote that Part. So I replied a quote from the song as well "It's getting hard to be around you, There's so much I can't say Do you want me to hide the feelings, and look the other way." She didnt reply or like my comment. But the next day. She came into class. Sat down beside me. Then she leaned on me and put her head on my shoulders for like a 30 seconds. WITHOUT ANY REASON AT ALL.. I kinda held her hand for like 3 seconds. But during that class we talked and talked. Like their really is something there please help and tell me what you think. DOES SHE LIKE ME?

She sometimes is touchy to our friends but not as touchy as she has been over the past few days to me.

- Peter - 02-19-2014 12:40 PM

damn well the worst she could she say is"no" right, so in reality you have nothing to loose, dont sweat it mean theres another girl

- Troy - 02-19-2014 12:49 PM

Ok buddy i saw your request to ask someone for help and im here for you
Now wow this girl is CONFUSING! sorry to be blunt friend but come one you wouldn't be asking
if you weren't confused either
It generally looks like she has interest in you like she touchs you alot talks to you alot
those are all good signs you should try spending EVER MORE time with her and see how she is with you
I'm Christian bud and yea a christian love would be great but! come on it's not like i won't fall in love with someone just because of different religions you know?
I say you start making more hints
maybe make a date?