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how can I get over this? - Printable Version

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how can I get over this? - just a woman - 02-19-2014 12:31 PM

Ok, so I met a guy in 2012 when he helped me figure out why my headlight kept shattering and how to fix it. Then, I ran into him again when I came on to see if they had anymore license plate light replacement thing (can't remember the name). They didn't have any and dodge stopped manufacturing them so he did the complete install of new ones and we began a friendship. We would hang out and he helped me another time when my car finally went dead and after that he stopped hanging out with me as much but it was understandable because he started working another job on top of the one he already had. Well, on New Years Eve he came over for a while. We had sex....I don't have sex outside of relationships and this was a big deal for me and he felt bad about it because we weren't in a relationship and agreed not to let it happen again. When he was leaving to meet up with family, he suggested we hang out more again and see if we can turn into more. I haven't heard from him since. On the 5th, I ran into him and his mom at the mall. The other day, I got on facebook and he came up as someone I might know. I clicked his profile and it said he changed his status to in a relationship on January 1st. So the day after we had sex he got into a relationship with someone else. I'm hurt and mad because I was hoping to become something more than just friends and I feel almost like it's probably because I'm not skinny. His girlfriend is at least a size 0. My feelings are also hurt because he couldn't tell me. He couldn't at least text me back to tell me he's dating someone. How to get beyond feeling like I'm not good enough

- postal p - 02-19-2014 12:40 PM

Just another player.