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I've changed I think I've given up.? - Printable Version

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I've changed I think I've given up.? - Kelly - 02-19-2014 12:31 PM

I moved for a job in August to a new town. The job got pushed back & I didn't start until Dec. 2nd.
I tried everything to meet people my age: joined, tried church, tried dating websites with no luck. Everyone I'm meeting is 30-40 years old or older mind you, I'm 25.

I'm starting to become depressed. I'm literally the youngest person in my office. I have very few friends, I'm not happy with my job, and I'm 13-14 hours from my family. I've began to give up. I now don't even bother trying to go out or meet new people. I don't even try, I am becoming reserved, staying off of social media, having less & less contact with everyone.

I'm not sure any of this is healthy.
Please help!
How do I help myself before I end up in a deep depression?

- john - 02-19-2014 12:34 PM

Im in uni with people my own age and i stil hav this problem because 1) everyone is very insular and reserved and 2) i am just VERY different from them. I recently came to the conclusion that rather than having friends at all I should just try finding a gf as i know ill feel content then. Hav u tried meeting any singles ur age, like through or anything like that?

Answer mine?;_ylt=AseKRHlafJjGF0NPwSAWhwfE4yA5?qid=20140106035558AAcXaVx

- John W - 02-19-2014 12:40 PM

Kelly, with everything that has happened recently you are an emotional train wreck right now. Don't make any snap decisions. Take a breather and think things through rationally until you know exactly what needs to be done. Trust your gut intstinct and not your emotions. If you need someone to help you sort things out I am just an email away and I want to help you get through this.