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A former co-worker/friend who rags on my friends on Facebook...? - Printable Version

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A former co-worker/friend who rags on my friends on Facebook...? - Telling It Like It Is - 02-19-2014 12:32 PM

I remained friends with an ex-co-worker on Facebook. He's an older man, but we had a good repore at work.
On Facebook, he comments on things my friends have written with bad bed-side manner.
One of my friends commented on my photo and for some reason, he was compelled to write "...I was fired!" And then he talks back to my friends on there as if he knows them - meanwhile, these are people I've known for years and I KNOW what they're comments mean. He goes back and forth with them and they start having to defend themselves for no reason.

If I do delete him, how should I address the situation?
He's making himself look bad, but I also feel like I look bad for being friends with someone who attacks my friends for no reason.
I would like to stay friends with him because I get along with him in general, but how can I tell him he's rudely spewing things to my friends on Facebook when he doesn't even know them!
He WILL notice if I delete him - he posts news articles on my wall, which I appreciate - and he only has 65 friends, so he KNOWS who's who...

- Justin - 02-19-2014 12:37 PM

Just delete him and don't talk to him again. He probably won't even notice.

- EvilWoman0913 - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

If your other friends are going back and forth with him, they're as much to blame for your discomfort as he is. If you get the opportunity you should just post something good natured yourself before their posts get out of hand. In other words, stop it before it even starts. After a time or two they should all get the message that YOUR facebook page is not the place for THEM to be arguing or snippy or whatever it is they're doing. My adult daughter had a similar problem with 2 women she went to high school with. She did eventually have to delete and block one of them, but their disputes were VERY extreme. I certainly hope your "friends" aren't going to that point. If they are, then someone needs to go.

- Kelly Kelso - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

Delete and block him. Yes he will notice, but who cares. His behavior is out of line.
*edit You could try talking to him about the way he is acting towards your friends. Let him know that his behavior is uncalled for and if he keeps it up, then you will have no choice but to delete him.

- Purpleflower - 02-19-2014 12:53 PM

Speak to him about it first and let him know that you still want to be friends but that you can't be FB friends with him if he continues to harass your other friends. I have a FB friend like that who I friended from another friend who was old roommate. The guy would make comments to everyone that commented on her page and I thought he was funny at first. I found out after friending him that he's out there and he makes weird comments now to my other friends. I thought I was going to have to speak to him/drop him but he hasn't done it so much for awhile.

- Get In Line - 02-19-2014 12:56 PM

Before you go ahead with deleting him...give him the chance to change. Try sending him a private message first, telling him that he's causing difficulties between you and your other FB friends with his off-handed, confrontational and off the wall comments. Let him know that you if he can't keep his posts civil, then you will have no choice but to 'unfriend' him. The choice will be up to him then, and if he chooses not to change his behavior, then being blocked from your list of friends will be HIS own fault.

- Meh - 02-19-2014 01:00 PM

there is a way to hide your wall, and photos from people, they wont be able to posts comments and you will still be facebook friends with them.

if you do this, he will of course notice he can't post to you wall which might prompt him to message you asking why..then you can just tell him you disabled those features because you were worried about lack of privacy or something. He'll have no way of knowing that he is the only one blocked from seeing your wall/photos. Tell him he can still send you the news articles to your fb email.