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How can business owners use social media to improve their work? - Printable Version

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How can business owners use social media to improve their work? - yasmin s - 10-14-2012 12:01 PM

How can business owners/companies best utilize the social media (twitter, facebook, youtube, linkedin, etc) to learn more about their customers?

- Shaun Baird - 10-14-2012 12:09 PM

HI Smile
You want to learn about your customer right?

As you connect to your customers via these social tools (twitter etc.) you will notice additional things that they tweet about (or mention if elsewhere such as facebook). You can read these conversations to gain an insight about them and the sorts of things they like.

You can then use this information to fine tune your communications so it meets the demographics and targeting more clearly.

If your connections are for example mainly women and they are talking about a particular brand of deodorant and the problems it causes then you can address these issues in your next communication. That is, of course if they are something you market/produce.

I hope this helps Smile