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Should I quit my job to stay away from ex BF? (10pts)? - Printable Version

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Should I quit my job to stay away from ex BF? (10pts)? - Vivian - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

My ex BF and I dated for about 2.5 years, known each other since high school. We are 22 years old. He broke my heart in October 2013 because he fell out of love with me and feelings for me just faded away. Sad It hurt me sooo badly. He insisted on being friends, I said yes for the first month of our break up, then it got very bad. It seemed like he only wanted my friendship because maybe he thought it would hurt me less. We did keep hooking up for two months after our break up. Anyways we work together, different position but we work at the same work place at a university. Therefore, there were random girls coming up to me with rumors about my ex boyfriend and it hurt, "that he was doing that, and doing this with that girl blah blah". It hurt me sooo much. The thing now is I am unsure if I should go back to work or just quit? I am not 100% over him nor my heart is healed. I still miss him while he avoids me and ignores and treats me like I never existed. I was great to him even after the break up, I treated him like my husband. I paid some of his bills, cooked for him, took lunch for him to work and school, let him barrow my car when he had car problems, his family loved me, however our arguments were over my insecurities and my trust for him, the arguments got worse in July 2013 when I caught him with a secret Facebook account, after me hacking into it, I saw messages from him to random girls.
IDK when I stopped being good enough for him or why he hates me now. I guess it is true, people can fall out of love with people. It depresses me how am I supposed to love again? or believe with a man tells me he loves me? I feel like I am never going to find some else like him. SIGH
Anyways what would you do, if you were in my shoes? Would you quit your job to keep away from you ex that you still sorta love and not over him?

- IndianaJohn - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

keep your chin up and go back to work

if ANYONE brings up your ex or what he is doing, just tell them you're not interested.

anyone that brings up what he is doing isn't your friend, so don't worry about hurting their feelings.

- Patrick - 02-19-2014 12:42 PM

You need to turn this into sexual harrasment on the job and let the school fire him and or tone him down. You never leave a good job in this economy and do not text him or he will use it against you.

- tawnya - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

First of all, you will find love again, but if I were you I would not quit my job especially in this economy.
Maybe you could see if there is a way that you could work different shifts then him or different days so the 2 of you do not have to cross paths.

I wish you nothing but the best and it will get better.

- WhatEver! - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

So you are going to allow him to break your heart and your career??????? that makes no sense. Get over the s.o.b and tell those b'tches to stop telling you anything about him. I always tell my daughters to use their brains and not their hearts. Find you a good looking BF and surround yourself with people how make you laugh and you will see, you will forget about him in no time. Be strong, life goes on and your are only 22 and from your picture you look have a life to live so don't let him destroy everything. Good luck my dear!

- SmallCityGirl - 02-19-2014 01:00 PM

As hard as it is, you need to get over him. TIME will heal your heart but in the meantime you have to tell these other chicks that you don't want to hear about what he's doing and with whom. That's very rude on their part. If you haven't already, you need to stop trying to talk to him, no hooking up, no making his lunch or doing special favours, and no being friends until you are completely over him. A friend of mine went through something like this, they were together for 10 years, they broke up and she Facebook stalked him, hooked up, etc etc. It's been 2 years and she's FINALLY over him. I can't say it will be easy, but your heart will thank you in the end.

- Allison - 02-19-2014 01:01 PM

If it's a great paying job don't quit over him. If it's say McDonalds, yeah quit.

- Roohh - 02-19-2014 01:02 PM

Hey girl, I am facing the same situation but it doesn't mean we are poor that we can't deal with it. If he can deal than why we can't.Why you can't just indulge into your work and do great. Just start to watch some tv shows or start reading book whenever you miss him. And if other says something to you than just forget the things and stay from that conversation, It will hurt in start but later on you will be habitual of these thing than you will come to know that you are strong enough and you decision to broke up with him was right.