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What do you think about facebook friends? - Printable Version

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What do you think about facebook friends? - snowyshinydays - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

I'm a sophomore in college. I'm shy when I first meet people, but after that I gradually open up and I'm a nice, fun person to be around. I have 382-385 (the count fluctuates ALL the time, I dunno if it's a glitch or what). But I have several friends who have 1000+, and a few who even have 2000+. I don't know how people get this many facebook friends. I know I'm not a social butterfly but the people who have that many friends....I know they only talk to 10%-15% of them.

Do you just ask random people to be your facebook friends. Or do they just come to you? Or can people really meet that many people. I know some people just accept any friend request, but can someone give me a little more insight on this phenomenon? And what does my 385 friends say about me (what do people assume)?

- Daniel - 02-19-2014 12:42 PM

It doesnt matter how many fb friends you have, and yes, thise people with 2000+ only know a few of them. Fb is actually a way to communicate and have fun with ppl u dont see evry day, i only add ppl i know.
Hope this helps

- jed - 02-19-2014 12:49 PM

I have a little over 500 friends. I don't add random people but I'll accept a request from anyone I know or who has some mutual friends or if we met on a discussion board or something. It seems to me like no matter how many friends someone has, they only talk to about 10-15% of them, as in, at the most.

About the fluctuation, it's not a glitch, some people deactivate their accounts when they're not online, just for privacy reasons I guess, and then they won't show up on lists or anything.

385 isn't a small number of friends by any means, it sounds as if you go on fairly often but don't friend too many people you aren't actual friends with or at least know. Trust me, you'll get more respect with the amount of friends that you have than if you had over 1,000 (these people come off as undiscerning, carefree, and hyper) or if you had like under 100 (these people usually don't like the idea of Facebook, rarely go online, and deny requests even from actual friends).

Oh, and if anyone has like over 1,000 or 2,000 friends they probably don't know many of them, or they just go down the list and friend everyone they have any mutual friends with. The most friends anyone has that they actually know most of them is 600-700, and that's only for outgoing socialites, usually acquainted with some kind of organization.

- Alissa - 02-19-2014 12:56 PM

Personally, I just find that a lot of people add me just to add me for the most part, kinda like just adding another number so they can feel popular? But I do have many of them commenting me nonetheless. I've bonded with some of them enough to actually call a real friend also. All in all, your friend count doesn't mean anything, no matter how many or how few you have.