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I need help with my crush!!? - Printable Version

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I need help with my crush!!? - CrazyInLove - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM


Hey guys, so I've been crushing on this guy for 6 months now. I'm the type of girl who will like a guy, but never say or do anything about it. I always try to conceal my feelings for him. Im not sure if this is love or what, im just 15.. but i know i willl do anything (within reason) for him. Good guys like him are really hard to find.. he is perfect!

So yesterday I started talking to him on facebook about some random stuff and to me it just seemed like teo friends having at chat. But the next day in class (btw that class is reeally small, about 7 people and we all sit around one small able) he did something. Ms. asked me a question and she said my name- clearly and he answerd it for me and the teacher said no, let her answer lol (in a nice way) and she asked me another question 5 minutes later and an did the exact same thing.. he answered the question before i could get a chance to. I'm not sure what that means, but he never normally does that, like ever. for anyone.

Another instance during that same class. I was laughing at this guy (the class clown) he is taller and has a deeper voice thay my crush. Throughout the whole class he was making jokes and everyone was laughing at them. But this one time miss was explainging something and he make a joke and I was the only one who laughed at it (tbh i think the class clown might like me) and i the teacher/miss said ashley what are you laughing at? did micheal say something? and then she looked at michaek, looked at my crush, then looked at me- she sorta looke at all 7 of us and my crush said, "no i dont think he said anything, well i didnt hear him say anything" in a normal clam tone. Idk what got into him that class becuase he isnt normally that vocal (my crush)

p.s. one time during the same class i was looking at the wall right past my crush and he looked up at me and then looked away, i guess he thought i was looking at him. lol.

I dont know how to interpret this. I really want a second, third, fourth a billoin different opinions before i start talking to himm on facebook again.. please help me!!! thanks xoxoxoxo

- Undefined - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

you seem like a 15 year old social-media obsessive person who wears too much makeup etc.
calm down sister