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WhatHow does media voilence act as a social change in a sense of economic, political, a would you like to ask? - Printable Version

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WhatHow does media voilence act as a social change in a sense of economic, political, a would you like to ask? - babiie.gurl09 - 10-14-2012 12:12 PM

i need to write a six page essay and i really need as much help as i can possibly get.. thankss!!

what do i write about media violence being a source of social change economically politically, and socially?

- Sasikala - 10-14-2012 12:20 PM

Media means any message communicate with the public ex: Newspaper, film industry(holly,bolly,golly), etc., In this Media Violence , full of terrorism, not sensored can act as a social changes. Even though it may occur in real life, they preasurely pouring the minds of people. not only editing of film but also the dialogues,picturisation etc.,The Government should take remedy steps to come over social changes.