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Can an adult be charged invasion of privacy for being on a minors facebook account? - Printable Version

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Can an adult be charged invasion of privacy for being on a minors facebook account? - Pickle - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

If an adult (not a family relative around the age of 40) is on a minors facebook account without permission and read messages to family members and friends, also taking photos of messages and sending them to somebody? can they be charged?
I know facebook is a public site, but your messages are not public, unless someone was to 'hack' your account, this was an adult that is 40 and had been reading messages with my family that are private and most times it was the only way i could contact them. This adult also took my messages and sent them to somebody. sorry there is not much detail, im new to this site.

- Tin-God - 02-19-2014 12:41 PM

I doubt it considering Face Book is a public net working site
why would you put something you want to keep private on Face Book

- garrytoo - 02-19-2014 12:49 PM

what are they going to charge him with.

- James - 02-19-2014 12:56 PM

You are terribly misinformed, Pickle. There is absolutely no such thing as privacy on any social network, especially for minors. If he is reading your messages and showing them to family members there is nothing you can do about that other than to delete them.

All minors on public social networking websites are subject to adult supervision. In fact, facebook as well as others are slowly implementing changes that will require link a minor's facebook account to an adult parent or guardian's account so the adults will have complete access to every word the minor posts online. Not only would these adults have access to the minor's account but have the ability to censor and delete content as well.

If you noticed that more free online email accounts are now being linked to mobile and landline phone numbers in recent years and so is facebook and the other social media. These are attempts to identify the users as adult sex offenders and other nafarious people and to identify who are minors.

So if you are a minor on facebook you have absolutely no right to privacy. As for adults on facebook you have some privacy but still it is easily compromised. More and more facebook content is being used as evidence in civil and criminal court cases each year. Mostly in civil cases to prove infidelity.

So, basically it comes down to the fact that nothing on the internet social media is really private. In your case there is nothing you can do to stop someone from reading your website other than to delete it.

- James K - 02-19-2014 01:02 PM

All Facebook messages are, by default, Public for Minors. Adults can change the Privacy Settings on their own Accounts for their messages to be viewable by Friends or some other category. Therefore, anyone can read anything you post.

An adult, if he wishes his of her posts to not be seen by everyone on the planet, can change the Privacy Settings. That will deal with future posts for Adults.

Since you are a Minor, making your posts Private is not an option for you. And remember, when you registered you provided your age and that data is locked into place. This is a matter of safety for Minors. Parental Supervision is required and essential for Minors' safety, a fact proven several times each day when dealing with Pedophile cases.

Therefore, every word you post is Public and will be so until you turn 18.

Rule 1: If you want something to be Private, DO NOT POST IT ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA.