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Question about Youtube promotions and adsense!? - Printable Version

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Question about Youtube promotions and adsense!? - Jake - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

Okay I'll start off with explaining what my intentions are, I'm planning to start making youtube videos, and I have made a few, and ended up getting no views at all. I wouldn't say that they're horrible, they were pretty good quality and I was expecting at least a few views but they didn't so I ended up deleting them.
So I did some research and I found out about promoting your video and some google ads or something of that sort.
I'm just trying to attract a small audience for now, not a big amount of people. I'll honestly be happy with even 100 views per video or 100 subscribers anything works with me.
My question is, how does this promotion and AD thing work?
Apparently you could pay per view with your budget that you got from the promotion or the AD, but I don't get how the whole thing works, also I saw somewhere something that has to do with a 30 second video, and a video less than a minute as a promotion or an AD.
So I would be really thankful if someone could simplify it for me, explain it to me like you would explain to a 6th grader, since I just could NOT understand anything that I managed to find about this subject.
Also here's an example let's say I paid $40 as my budget for this promotion thing, and I would pay from that 10 cents per view. How would that affect me, and what other ways is there?

I'm not hungry for views or anything, I know views mean nothing, I'm just trying to attract an audience and get people's attention, and eventually get more subscribers if they like my videos and my style, since amusing people makes me happy I would like to put smile on people's faces which would obviously make me feel good.

Thanks in advance for the help Smile!
Okay, I'm not talking about the ADs which pop up in peoples faces and bother them. I'm talking about paying youtube to promote your videos, in the sense which they put your video on the youtube main page for certain amount of time, until you get a certain amount of views depending on how much you pay, which is what I don't understand how exactly it works and if it's actually worth it.

- 8avian - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

please do not use internet ads to promote your videos. everybody hates internet ads and only idiots click on them so all you'll do is make people hate your channel. try sharing your videos to facebook or other social media sites so your friends will see them, like them and show their friends. also give your videos noticeable thumbnails and choose a lot of tags that are ones people would type in if they are searching for what your video is about. that is how you promote your youtube channel and get more views not by paying google to annoy people by shoving your channel in people's faces

- Chris - 02-19-2014 12:42 PM

the ads promotions from youtube are no good at all im afraid.
You would be wasting money by buying into it and would get more views by going out and throwing pennies at people with a note attached asking them to watch your videos.

those ads work by adding your video for advertising into an algorithm that determines whether your ad will be played to someone else watching a video else where
And the chances are astronomically small.

Social media.
That is all the advice I get on this sort of thing, and is the same advice I would give.
Slowly but surely, it will work.
Start a blog, do some vlogging on your channel share your videos with friends and family and ask them to share links out too.
That's how it all starts.

Good luck to you.