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I Want A FaceBook Account But My Mother Will Not Let Me Create One.? - Printable Version

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I Want A FaceBook Account But My Mother Will Not Let Me Create One.? - mammothwrenchadvice328 - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

I have asked my Mom before to get a FaceBook account, including when I asked her 20 minuets ago, and each time she has said no. I am aware of the fact that I am two years under the age limit, so today I asked her if I could get one when I am a year older. But she still said no. If I ask my Dad two things will happen.
He says yes- I make an account, my Mom finds out, yells at me, I tell her that Dad said I could instead of just me and one parent fighting with me, both of my parents will be mad at me, and fighting with each other.
He says no- I get mad at him, which would make me fight with both of my parents and not get to make one.

I don't want to secretly create one and not tell them. Because I know I will get in trouble. And I don't want to disobey them, I mean they are my parents and they are in charge of me but I still want one. For a good reason.
My BFF ,and cousin by divorced marriage, Grace has a FaceBook. And my parents don't like her and never let us get together so if I had a FaceBook, I could connect with her and my parents would not have to know.
Bottom line, I want a FaceBook!

- Chiquita - 02-19-2014 12:35 PM

You have 2 choices , create one w/o them knowing & don't sign on to it while they are around , but you also have to think about family members telling your mom or dad , and another choice is you just don't create a facebook b/c if you do parents will find out eventually , but I sure do understand your need and want for a facebook , but your parents are just trying to look out for you

- Dustin Robinson - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

you just said you dont want to secretly create a facebook because u dont want to disobey them then your talking about getting one and secretly talking to a friend how are you going to do that if they agree to allow you to have a supervised account... Isnt facebook being forced to regulate their members and potentially being charged for every account that the holder is under 16?

- dlnmllr - 02-19-2014 12:48 PM

Ask your mom and dad together. Explain that they can have your password so they can keep tabs on your activity anytime and that you can set it to private so not just anybody can look at your profile. Good luck!

- joeireland - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

Make sure you tell them that you can set your profile to private and you have the option to add or decline friend requests, also Facebook now doesn't allow people that don't have any mutual friends with the person you want to add you must send them a message asking them to add you.

- Charmae - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

Better listen to your Mother!!

- Ahad Rauf - 02-19-2014 01:04 PM

when I made one I didnt even ask. I just made it and then my parents found out and pretty much didnt care. why dont you email your cousin now before your parents let you make a facebook?

- Anthony - 02-19-2014 01:07 PM

Dude get with the times man, twitter is a billion times better.
Plus there are oo many idiots on Facebook. If you are able to get one, make sure you make it private. TRUST ME
There are too many idiots who will harass you or post bad things on your wall that your mom will get mad at YOU for.

Facebook should always be used in private.

Did you know that if you post something bad, or someone posts something bad about another child in your school, the child can complain and get you KICKED OUT OF SHOOL! HOW PISSED WOULD YOUR MOM BE THEN! Lol. I bet REAL pissed!

Please just make sure that it's private, you can agree with your mom that she can acess your account as a friend, not with your password, tell her that having your password and reading your mail would be like if you had a journal and she read it everyday. Tell her that would feel like such an of your ability I have privacy. There are feelings in a childs life that no parent should have acess to, private things. Calmly tell her that invading your privacy like that would damage your trust in her to a point where you don't think it could be repaired.

Adults respond to calm behavior. Talk over the situation in a rational behavior, I know it will be hard, if you talk to her in a manner where she thinks you have put some serious thought into it, she will respond as if you are adult enough to do what your talking about

Trust me though, being eleven years old, there are some sickos out there and they WILL use your information to get close to you. It doesn't even have to be an adress or anything, they could deduce rather easily what school you attend and go from there

The Internet is a powerfully advanced tool in our day to day lives, you must ALWAYS think about protecting yourself. Most children do not get the overall amount of crazy people out there. I think because they don't follow the news and events as much as adults. Please just remember that you always have to watch out for yourself. Online and offline.

I don't mean to demean you or make you think or yourself as a little child, but I still think you may be too young. Your mother is just being protective of you. Rightly she should be.

- wittynumber030 - 02-19-2014 01:09 PM

Sorry but I have to agree with your Mom. You are not old enough. Wait till you're
thirteen and then ask her.