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Can I get an answer once and for all? +Question about social media and how it is monitored? - Printable Version

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Can I get an answer once and for all? +Question about social media and how it is monitored? - Cass - 02-19-2014 12:34 PM

So I'm 17, and I love reading. I discovered fanfiction a few years ago, and have been reading it since. Two months ago, I came across some articles saying fanfiction was illegal. I understand the copyright issues, but after some research, and many questions here on yahoo answers, I am coming to ask for a final opinion. Is reading mature content illegal? What about Harry Potter "underage" content? I'm not talking children, I'm talking kids my age, 16 or 17 years old.

Now for the question about social media. I have a friend on facebook that writes in their statuses "getting high" or "smoking and watching p$3n.". Now, to my knowledge, both of these things are illegal in my state. Is there any monitoring by the government or websites in general to help kids with these issues? I mean the person is younger than me and clearly needs help. :/

Oh yes, and I researched and reading sexual content is not illegal in my state, but watching it and illustrating it is. Also, to my knowledge it is protected under the first amendment.

All help is appreciated!
And I've been worrying about it so much because I have anxiety issues and I just need a final answer. Thank you so much for helping! (:

- fainttoes870 - 02-19-2014 12:36 PM

a cia backed company buys part of the company and get the information

its easier for them to buy our info instead of getting warrants

- J - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

A cia backed company buys into part of it in order to see the information.

- mammothswing984 - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

Websites such as Flickr, YouTube, Twitter and Amazon all represent fair game for Visible's searches. Closed social networks such as Facebook remain off the radar -- at least for now

- Randy - 02-19-2014 12:48 PM

You have an interesting question. Reading "mature" content is not illegal. Knowingly providing pornography to someone under 18 is. So the minor watching porn is the "victim," not the suspect.

As for agencies watching social media, the short answer is "kinda." Law enforcement does use social media to catch child predators, etc., and larger agencies do interact with social media for this purpose. However, posting "I'm getting high" is not going to get anyone's attention; in the grander scheme of things, the cops have bigger fish to fry.

The best thing for you to do, is to be a friend. You recognize that this person needs help, so be there to help. Keep in mind, if they don't want it/think they don't need it, you may not get far. I also hope you are getting help for your anxiety issues.