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Why right around Christmas now people are talking about guns? - Printable Version

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Why right around Christmas now people are talking about guns? - Flowerz - 02-19-2014 12:34 PM

I saw some people on Facebook mentioning guns, that they wanted one for Christmas, and another that was buying someone one for Christmas, and then a friend posted a gun-related photo on her timeline... This is not otherwise common, and people want Guns for Christmas? Is this such a socially acceptable thing that they are happy to talk about.. Is it anything to do with Capricorn Sun sign? Or am I just looking so deep into it?
Personally.. I am an American, and I am against guns.. !

- ♥Romantic Lover - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

Its sad people talk about violence like if it was a good thing.

- =) - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

What...? Where do you live? I don't see this at all - if anything, the only post I saw (it was on Twitter though) about guns was this chris rock quote saying that bullets should cost more, and it had gotten a lot of retweets and favorites. I have spoken to any of my Cappy friends, so I don't know if it's just about that sign.

- lisa - 02-19-2014 12:53 PM

No it doesnt have to do with Cap sun wanting a gun for Christmas, sounds like something my brother would say hes a Sagittarius sun who I have 100% respect for but hes very big against gun control bcuz its the right of Americans to have guns to prevent government tyranny (too late) and self protection and the only thing gun control does is give government more control and criminals more opportunities and takes guns away from innocent citizens who have the right to protect their homes but see the media gets to people after they set up school shootings, and preys on the fear of people and brainwash them to push gun control and government power, sorry to say but gun control will not take away the illegal guns that are already out there, it only takes away legal traceable ones, crime will not go down it will increase thats what my bro taught me and I agree 100% once you take away one constitutional right the remaining will follow, people are just to scared and blind to see... I dont own any guns and dont plan on buying any but I am against gun control 100% I dont think talking about it on Christmas = being violent, maybe they are hunters, maybe they are collectors, who knows. Its not socially acceptable but maybe they just focus on what they like and not what others think about them, not sure, I mean I dont mean to sound like a total a3s I even think its a bit strange myself but Im just trying to look at it from their pov and put my own opinion as a Capricorn, Id love a peaceful world but Im a realist, guns dont make the person pull the trigger, just like cars dont make people drive like idiots yet seatbelts and insurance are required or you get in trouble, kids cannot protect themselves at schools against bullies or they get in trouble, its just more control against innocent people and less action against the criminals and most people dont and wont know until its too late, and America is no longer free I mean its already happening in so many ways little pieces at a time...

- Pearl L - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

not sure but i think its crazy

- ? - 02-19-2014 12:56 PM

Pretty sad.

Glad am not there. Sorry to hear you have to put up with that. My Gemini friend is American and he is always ranting about it, I kinda understand why though. He said you can go to Walmart and buy a gun, as if it was a piece of cloth. For me, it's kinda crazy, I don't even want to visit America because of that. I would guess it has a very huge impact on your economy as people love to go somewhere safe. And seriously, gun talk over the Xmas period? I thought USA owe millions to Japan, China and the European Union, yet, they are so busy investing in the gun industry, I wonder if all the subsidies they receive are worth anything at all. And all you get back is a bunch of threats, because they don't want to pay back.

I know some Americans are smart though. I have a few American friends here, just stop voting these people.

Also, my idea of freedom, is a world without guns.

I don't understand, people die already, why increasing the deaths by offering a weapon? I think the government is mocking its citizens a little bit. But some citizens seem to love being mocked, it seems.

- Virgo Ftw - 02-19-2014 01:02 PM

That's so rude, I'm against uncalled for or violent gun use, other like called for or just protection or gun ranges for fun use I'm good with. But seriously, guns for Christmas in the sick world we live in. Also it's not a Capricorn sun thing that's just a bias assumption.

- One - 02-19-2014 01:03 PM

Lisa's answer is the best and explains it the most