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Do I Stand A Chance With Her? Should I Pursue Her? - Printable Version

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Do I Stand A Chance With Her? Should I Pursue Her? - Justin - 02-19-2014 12:34 PM

I know this girl. She's popular, she's a cheerleader, and I feel she is out of my league. I'm not "popular" or a loser by any means but I'm in the middle of both crowds. We're partners in one class and will be the entire year. I've talked to her before this year but just casually and we're on a first name/nickname basis and we talk after class sometimes but I don't have her number so we don't text. I'm thinking about inserting myself into her life more, like replying a lot on twitter, so she notices me more than just a classmate. I'm not bad looking but I'm not very good looking either. She's cute but her popularity pushes it up a bit for all the guys. A lot of guys talk to her (jocks and non jocks), but the fact that she doesn't date any of them tells me she's not really interested. My question is should I attempt to get to know her more with the intentions to go out with her or should I forget about it? Basically, do I stand a chance with her? Thanks in advance for all answers and they are all appreciated.

- Jordan - 02-19-2014 12:37 PM

Yes mija u do stand a chance. Omg this reminds me of a true story, and I think I should tell u it: ok so last yr when I was a freshman I was friends with a sophomore cheerleader Rachel and this one senior guy Matthew. Now Matthew wasnt on the football team or anything like that, he was just a normal high schooler haha. Anyways, he told me at the beginning of the yr that he had the biggest crush on Rachel. For me personally, Rachel is one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen in my life and she was pretty popular so a lt of the guys liked her. Lucky for Matthew he got to sit behind her in math class but unfortunately Rachel already had a bf. Matthew lready had a gf so he didn't rele do anything in terms of flirting with her. But over the ur I'd see them in math class becoming rele good friends. It was around November when rachel and her bf broke up (i think they outgrew each other or something lolz i forgot) not too long adter Matthew and his gf broke up (everyone kinda knew that he did it for Rachel) and it was then that they started flirting in math. I think it was around feb/march that everyone knew that they liked each other. But they wouldn't admit it haha. Anyways Matthew would always tell me that he felt that he "wasn't good bough for her" or that "Rachel was out of my league' but I always told him that that's not true (truth is nobody's out of anybody's leage mija...popularity gets to everybody's head creating that illusion but it's simply not true!) but unfortunately Matthew wouldn't listen,..I mean hey Rachel told us that she was waiting for Matthew to ask her out but Matthew was convinced that "she was out of my league". Finally prom came around the corner nd everyone was asking each other out, and we convinced Matthew to ask Rachel. Matthew had made a card and he had it all planned out and it was about a month or so before prom but once again, he was convinced that Rachel was out of his league. It was about two weeks before prom that we grew frustrated matthew finally agreed to ask her but as promised we and casually asked rachelbif she was going to prom and she said she already had a date. Matthew was HEARTBROKEN! Sad I mean get he was a jerk but still Sad I felt so bad for him! Matthew ends up going with another girl to prom. It was the night after the prom that matthew changed his staus to in a relationship snd he pretended that he had a gf. I think he did that to make rachel jealous.Then a few days before school ended I once again asked Matthew
If he could p,ease ask Rachel out but he was too scared. However we saw them holding hands the day before Matthews graduation <3 then the day after his graduation he came in class just to say bye to Rachel <3 it was so sweet then Matthew finally asked her out but she said no cuz "he had a gf" but Matthew tried to tell her that the Facebook status was a lie but she didn't believe it. Now Matthews on college and Rachel's a junior, both still single. They don't talk to each other anymore Sad
So pls, learn from Matthew.......yolo! Remember that nobody's out of ur reach matter how popular they r. Pls if she rele means that much to u, just ask her out. Pls