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How to make my blog noticeable on Tumblr search? - Printable Version

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How to make my blog noticeable on Tumblr search? - Star Moon - 02-19-2014 12:34 PM

I'm new on Tumblr and went and search my blog, but I couldn't find it on search results. So I was wondering on how to get my Tumblr blog to be recognized in search engines. And can you please explain it step by step. Anyone have ideas/suggestions on what I can do to get my Tumblr blog picked up in search engines?

- allen - 02-19-2014 12:35 PM

All you need to optimize your tumblr blog to get searched on Google for your relevant keywords. You will need to do some changes in the HTML of your blog to optimize it according to the keywords.

First of all you need to put keywords in the URL of your blog (if possible) for e.g if your blog is about funny videos, your url can be . Steps to edit blog url and further edit html are provided here

Second thing is to go to your page's HTML section to edit it and put the keywords in <Title> & <H1> tags of your page. This will tell search engines what your page is about. If you have sub headings in the content then put them in <h2> tags below <h1> tags and put your another keyword there.

Meta description is often used by Google to be used as a snippet in the search results so take time to make a compelling meta description for your page. You will find this tag inside the <head> tag of your page's HTML.

Link your post to other posts by internal linking and also share your post url on your social media networks to spread the word.

Make sure that the content of each page should be unique and good.

- Jackson Tom - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

Submit your website in to Google webmasters and Analytics.

you can get noticed easily by search engines.

- Stone - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

Search engines can't see pictures.
I post a ton of pictures, and google refuses to index most of my posts, even when I add tags to the posts!
My text posts have all been indexed...

When you ask how to get your tumblr to show up in search... Do you mean individual posts? Or is having the blog to show up at all... Enough?

If you mention your tumblr on Facebook... That should be enough to get it noticed by google.

To get your posts found on tumblr search... Is going to require posting original content.