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Why does my Facebook account keep getting hacked? - Printable Version

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Why does my Facebook account keep getting hacked? - Fearlesscloth647 - 02-19-2014 12:34 PM

My Facebook account keeps getting hacked. I never get locked out of the account. I've changed the password every time but the person keeps getting in without changing the password so I'm not getting locked out of the account or getting notifications from Facebook about it.

I ran a scan on my laptop and nothing came up in the form of malware or any other virus. I even deleted all of the apps I had on my Facebook account since I know that an account can get hacked via the apps but I still get hacked. My YouTube account was also hacked but nothing else has happened with that since I've changed the password.

How is it even possible?
They're not posting any malicious links. They're posting "Likes" of pages that I didn't like. A lot of them have been of a sexual nature with a few exceptions.
Editing to add: Since I didn't know how to reply to the answers (thank you all, by the way) are some additional details: I have accessed my Facebook account from public computers but I ALWAYS make sure to sign out. I also installed the anti-virus software on my Mac laptop AFTER it started happening but it didn't detect anything. Don't know if that matters. And before I did that, I had the computer hard drive wiped first and I was still getting hacked.

- david w - 02-19-2014 12:38 PM

You must have something on your computer...probably a keylogger? I would check your startup programs to see if anything suspicious is there...

- nicesoap736 - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

that person probably have your email password too , or he made your antivirus to 'trust' and allow the keylogger he/she have installed on your pc , try to scan with and other antivirus .

- Jeff P - 02-19-2014 12:53 PM

Are you accessing these sites on any other computer--like public computers (library, school, friend's house, etc.)? If so, are you sure you're logging yourself out when you're done?

- Tom - 02-19-2014 12:56 PM

Like mentioned, there may be keyloggers or any kind of spyware on your system. Scanning your system with a single antivirus is not quite enough(the particular soyware may not be included in the definitions). Check taskmanager processes if you see anything suspicious.(weird process names, relatively high resource usage)

- gord - 02-19-2014 01:06 PM

you do have a virus/trojan. Your antivirus/malware protection is hacked as well. reboot your computer in safe "eset free online scanner" download and run...make sue=re you select the following boxs...scan archives../ remove found threats/...advanced/ scan for harmful programs....if all that doesn't have to go into your control panel/ system restore/ back to factory image....(that is a complete wiping out of everything except the original software that your computer came with....then change all your passwords."offline"

- Ed G - 02-19-2014 01:11 PM

Well everyone is telling you that you are infected and that could be true.But if I was you I would make sure that you have no apps.Facebook is funny when you like a site and they ask permission to post as you and you give it I'm not sure if it's only done through apps.One way to find out.Use another computer to change your password.If it still happens then it someone you gave permission to.

- Ardit Dashaj - 02-19-2014 01:20 PM

I agree with David W, that you may have a keylogger on your pc, but there are even more reasons, and these are dependind by OS, System Protection (antivirus or so), online activity, etc...

First define how do you understand that you facebook account is being hacked!

1. You probably saved your password on browser and for some hackers (including NSA) this is easy to get remotely on your browser and keep your passwords.
2. As many people do, you put as password a word or a frase to you related to much or by you mentioned many times. (Ususally many use as password - children names, name + birth date etc.)
3. You did not activated security policies of facebook correctly (at list this will help you or an IT to individuate hacker IP address and even path, so you may complain to
4. You are accessing your facebook account from public networks and if a hacker is connected with package sniffing software to the same network, he/she may translate your password when it is written to access your facebook.
5. Do not subscribe to websites online that ask your facebook id for it, even if it is a well known website do not use the same password. If you did, change your passwords and remember that you have to do this normally 1 in a month.
6. Do not open e-mail messages that offers fast access to your facebook (links sponsored, etc). If you did so, replace your password!

- To check your PC for keyloggers or else, do not use any cracked Antiviruses and if you have one already installed uninstall it and install one free (if you don't want to spend money for antivirus).
- Most of big brand Antivirus companies are offering free SocialMedia scanner service online without install anything. Try some different solutions from these!

- Hellsome - 02-19-2014 01:23 PM

spyware or keylogger is in your machine remove it