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How can a guy cheerup after being heartbroken? - Printable Version

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How can a guy cheerup after being heartbroken? - dude - 02-19-2014 12:35 PM

So I've met this girl recently, I like her and I've been recently texting her. We texted for a full week. I flirted with her and all that good stuff and she appreciated it and stuff. I really thought she was getting to like me.Then she suddenly stops texting me. Making excuses, then I check her twitter and see that she's into another guy. My heart shattered when I saw this. She doesn't know that I saw her post about this guy. Now I feel real sad/depressed and a little angry. what should I do to feel better or how would I deal with this girl? Serious answers please!

- Gunnar - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

Frank Zappa. Listne to Frank Zappa. And listen to "No one loves me & neither do I" by Them crooked vultures. And die MF die. And burn MF burn. It helped me

- Rachel - 02-19-2014 12:53 PM

Learning to deal with rejection is one of the most important parts of relationships. There is a HUGE difference between being "heartbroken" and "upset", be very careful which word you use.

If you know for sure that this girl is interested in someone else, you really just need to accept that she is not interested in you and move on. As horrible as it is to come to terms with, and as difficult as it may be to hear that over and over again(which you will), it really is the only solution to your problem.

There's always a possibility she will come back to you and act interested in you again, and if this happens you really need to put your foot down and say that you're not the kind of person who likes to dance around a relationship--ask her straight up if she might ever be interested, or if you're wasting your time courting her. It's okay to say stuff like that, but just make sure you don't go up to her like HEYYOUILIKEYOUALOTANDIWANNAKNOWIFYOULIKEME because that will probably come off as alarming haha. Patience!

- Sam - 02-19-2014 01:03 PM

Firstly don't text her loads or try ringing her just wait, its hard but if she cares she will eventually start talking to you again, if she doesn't then she wouldn't of been worth it. Secondly don't get hung up over it get out hang out with friends and take your mind off of it. Finally you could give it a while (over a week) then drop her a text if she wants to go grab a drink or something if she accepts then get to know her in person rather than just texting and meet a few times and tell her you like her but dont wait ages to tell her you like her otherwise you will get freindzoned because she wont know your intentions.

This has happened to me numerous times in the past and now im in a very long term relationship but don't let it get to you to much its really not worth it Smile get out and take your mind off her and if its ment to be it will fall into place.

- call daddy - 02-19-2014 01:05 PM

Tweet some other fine chicks man. And make sure she sees that shit. She'll jump right back to texting you brah promise