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My parents think im a slut? - Happah - 02-19-2014 12:35 PM

Well, I dont know how to explain this... But I my parents think im a slut/hoe. You see, I Hardly go out because of my dad he doesnt let me I ask him if I can go out he says 'so you can go out with guys or what?' He does it to piss my off. I do go out with guy friends but, JUST to talk and relax but my parents see the worst in me & they interrogate me like cops. I have a bf nd I care about him alot! And once this guy kissed me when I got out of school and my dad saw from far away what had happend thing is I did not kiss him back but since my dad couldnt see right, he thought we were making out o_O and when I got home he told my mom I was making out with my guy friends abd they told me that im such a slut. Next, about 3 weeks ago I ditched school with 3 gal friends and 1 guy and my parents found out and since I went with a guy thry were like your such a slut, how do we know what you did tell me the TRUTH! And I didnt do shitwith that guy cause he has a gf nd I have my bf. But they took as if I went ALONE with that guy. They also check my facebook (i have no privacy) and ofcourse guys flirt with me, and but I dont flirt back. And they think im the biggest slut ever, and my mom we hen she gets mad she calls me PUT*. Slut in spanish... But guys, it hurts me alot cause I actually am not a slut!!Sad noone in school, thinks im a slut because I am never actually with any guy, im a shy girl in school but my parents think im the total oppisite advice

- Brined Soul - 02-19-2014 12:38 PM

Stop wearing booty skirts and hooker heels. Wear a burkha instead.

- Pearl L - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

just see them anyways and dont tell your parents

- Phecda - 02-19-2014 12:42 PM

I have to ideas, one is good advice, the other is just to scare the shit out of them.
The good advice:
Let them think that they know everything about your life.
Tell them about your friends and convos, without giving away too much. For a while only hang out with girls, or so they think, and you can meet up with guys after you leave the house with some girls. Dont get in trouble for a while, dont skip school for a few months (even if you REALLY want to cause its fun)
They will start to trust you and after a while just start being yourself again and keep them "updated" without giving away too much.
The funny advice:
Make them think ur prego, adk for plan B, or tell them to put you pn the pill.
Good luck with your parents though, they can be really dumb sometimes (most of the time)