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Should i change my church? IMPORTANT!!!!!? - Printable Version

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Should i change my church? IMPORTANT!!!!!? - justsomeone - 02-19-2014 12:35 PM

Okay so i've been attending this church for like 5 months. When i first came in i was amazed by God's love and everyone treated me so well. Everything changed after a few months. My church is very strict and i know it's for our benefit but i just can't stand the fact that i don't feel loved there. Because I'm new, they don't tease me and play around with me like what they do to the other youths. Btw my church is very small, like about 50 people attending weekly only. The worst thing is that there's this prayer meeting and they didn't inform me! ONLY ME! I think they forgot about me. They don't hate me.. Just that i think that they've forgotten all about it. I got to know it when i was browsing my friend's twitter. I feel so hurt. I feel so left out. Recently i went for an event(my friend's church) bbq and i really had great fun. They really all love each other so much and the bond between them is really strong. I am considering to change to their church but i don't know how to because my current church is very strict. What should i do?
i'm a christian.
I don't feel good going to my current church. They make me want to find excuses to not go.

- citrine_dream - 02-19-2014 12:36 PM

If you don't feel you fit in at church go ahead and try a new one out, and compare it to your current church. It's no secret that many Churches are tight-knit groups of friends and families and it can be hard to break in when you're new to any church. It's also no secret that churches can be super nice to new people in the hopes that they will stay... and the warmth and love and dissapate over time. I wouldn't take the missed invite the prayer meeting too seriously... if they told people about it by e-mail, or a phone tree maybe you just need to get signed up for those things.

Best luck.

- † Teito † - 02-19-2014 12:40 PM

I'm sure your current church will let you. I mean, they are a church after all. I say you should go for it! You seem much happier with the other church. Everyone has their own taste.

- geessewereabove - 02-19-2014 12:42 PM

What are these religions? You answer may be there. Too many are following their desires, not the Bible. Read about these religions and get deeper information. Religions that use Only the KJB are greatly lacking in truth/honesty!...

- Clary.M - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

You should really change churches if you don't feel welcome. How are you supposed to focus on the whole point of being in church if nobody informs you. Also the church doesn't own you if you want to switch just leave and tell them you are don't worry about it, they can keep you there you need a church were you feel good and people tell you about prayer meetings how are you supposed to pray to God and do you bidding if the church doesn't welcome you? Just switch.

- daughtereponymous - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

Seek out G-D face to face read Jeremiah 32:33 He alone is your TEACHER and will read THE BOOK OF THE LORD to you in HIS DWELLING PLACE. read Isaiah 34:16 and Psalm 90:1.

Inter in THIS DAY with Him TOGETHER in HOLY UNITY. Deut.29:13-14 verse 15 THIS DAY G-D embraced all of us in His mind and heart.

WE all are the Desires of His heart that HE WANTS off this earth Ps.82:8 . We are the seeds of FIRST MAN Psalm 82:5-6. First Man was created spirit above and entered a vessel of FLESH and left his seeds in all male and female. Gen.6:3.

IMPORTANT: the seeds of first MAN are been BROKEN off from HIS SPIRIT with in them. Ps.51:8 & Gen6:3. G-D what us to come and Re-new a Right Spirit With-in-Us Psalm 51:10-11-12-16-17.

The House of G-D is in the were we search the INWARD PARTS of the BELLY of HIS WOMB. Proverbs 20:27 we enter in the SEEDS sow in HIS HOUSE Jer.31:27 all flesh is given the SAME Jer.32:27

INWARD PARTS were we grow spiritually HIS holy child Psalm 51:6 & Jer.31:33 enter in Proverbs 20:27 and Rise Up His Tabernacles against doers of evil and Stand Up His Tent against workers of Iniquity in this world TOGETHER with our MESSIAH at our side. Jer.10:20 & Psalm 94:16.

G-D has called all generations but one answered HIM ....HEAR what HE ASK OF YOU
Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for Me, against the doers of evil ? Or Who will stand up for Me, against the workers of iniquity ?

THIS IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT for you to HEAR and DO. Jeremiah 11:7-8 the world does not HEAR or OBEY HIS VOICE. They rebel Isaiah 30:1

- KJVPREACHER - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

First of all: Are you a born-again believer?
Secondly: Were you baptized in that church? If you weren't, you aren't even a member, therefore that church has no authority over you.
Third: They may seem strict to you, depending what you definition of "strict" is. But...

Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

Your Pastor has authority over you, given to him by God. If he is truly a called man of God, then he will do according to the Bible, because of Hebrews 13:17.
Your soul is the most important thing you have.

Of course you had fun at your friends church when they had a bbq., but one of the most important things about a church is that they preach the WHOLE counsel of God. In other words, they don't just preach to "tickle the ears" of the congregation, but they preach: Love, Sin, things God hates, how to treat others, doctrines, how to share the Gospel, forgiveness, etc.

- Pheby - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

I don't have such kind of problem because I believe in a God who does not believe in religion.

- Ms. Intuitive - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

uuumm first of all this should be about you & your God not whos paying attention to you or what church is having the most fun! It shouldnt be all about fun & games and what instrument the church goers can play.Its about taking in accurate knowledge and getting to know God! strictness can save your life a bbq cant! just sayin...find the reason why u r going