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What do the different parties stand for in our government today? - Printable Version

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What do the different parties stand for in our government today? - jamie - 02-19-2014 12:35 PM

I just really want to know what these party stands for and information about them

- Herve - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

Neoliberal economics and indifference to people or the environment.

Business first.

- Blind Didymus - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

Check their websites and the policies they outline. Lot easier for you than with the hundreds of parties in Australia yet I still do it Down Under.

- Lost Equation - 02-19-2014 12:53 PM

The Republican Party includes fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, neoconservatives, moderates, and libertarians. Prior to the formation of the conservative coalition, which helped realign the Democratic and Republican party ideologies in the mid-1960s, the party historically advocated classical liberalism, paleoconservatism, and progressivism.
Republicans strongly believe that free markets and individual achievement are the primary factors behind economic prosperity. To this end, they advocate in favor of laissez-faire economics, fiscal conservatism, and the elimination of government run welfare programs in favor of private sector nonprofits and encouraging personal responsibility
Many contemporary Republicans voice support of strict constructionism, the judicial philosophy that the Constitution should be interpreted narrowly and as close to the original intent as is practicable rather than a more flexible "living Constitution" model
The Republican Party had long supported the protection of the environment.
The Republican Party is generally associated with social conservatism, although it does have centrist and libertarian factions.
A majority of the GOP's national and state candidates are pro-life and oppose elective abortion on religious or moral grounds. However many hold exceptions in the case of incest, rape or the mother's life being at risk. When Congress voted on the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in 2003, Congressional Republicans voted overwhelmingly to support the ban.
Many Republicans support race-neutral admissions policies in universities, but support taking into account the socioeconomic status of the student.[
Most Republicans support school choice through charter schools and school vouchers for private schools; many have denounced the performance of the public school system and the teachers' unions
The Democratic platform calls for extending the middle-class tax cuts for the 98 percent of American families who make less than $250,000 a year, and makes a promise not to raise taxes on them
The Democratic platform states that it "unequivocally" supports Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal, and "supports a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay.
The Democratic platform supports the movement to get equal treatment under the law for same-sex couples.
IMMIGRATION\The platform states that "Democrats are strongly committed to enacting comprehensive immigration reform." Immigration overhaul would include bringing "undocumented immigrants out of the shadows," requiring illegal immigrants "to get right with the law, learn English and pay taxes" to get on a path toward citizenship
Democrats say the new health care law makes Medicare stronger by adding new benefits, fighting fraud and improving care for patients. It notes that nearly 50 million older Americans and those with disabilities rely on Medicare
The Democratic platform criticizes the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, which lifted restrictions on independent political expenditures by corporations and unions, and calls for "immediate action to curb the influence of lobbyists and special interests on our political institutions" - with a constitutional amendment, if necessary, in the cause of campaign finance reform.
The platform pledges to continue building on the new health care law. It says accessible, affordable, high-quality health care is part of the American promise
Democrats say they want to maintain a strong military, but argue that in the current fiscal environment, tough budgetary decisions must include defense spending. They noted that Democrats and Republicans agreed last summer in the deficit-cutting plan to reduce military spending

google the platfroms of each party to get a complete understanding

- Pat - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM