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What do you think of this facebook group regarding abortion? - Printable Version

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- I'm Thinking Shhh - 02-19-2014 12:42 PM

I'll be happy to join the page but I deleted my facebook a few weeks ago. oh well

- epicyon - 02-19-2014 12:49 PM

I think it lacks any and all sort of class and was made by 'higher-than-thou', naive, and possibly brain-washed children.

- deepsummer926 - 02-19-2014 12:54 PM

Despite that not being a word, I kinda agree.

- Pacifest - 02-19-2014 01:02 PM

No, "unpregnant" is definitely not a word. Just don't expect these anti-abortion fanatics to dazzle you with some sort of intellect anytime soon.

These anti-abortion...folk...who contribute these pathetic excuses for "activism" will at times make me want to get pregnant just so I can drive to Nashville and get an abortion for myself, and then walk past the protesters at the clinic with a BIG smile on my face, as though I were attending a Grateful Dead concert. BUT, I won't. Heh, it's not like I can, you know, afford it. So I'll spare my next unborn clump of cells, unless I've won the lottery.

Question for ' much do they TRULY care AFTER these little tykes are born? Hm...they push for the war, for the death penalty [or as they call it, "justice"], and unless the couple who FINALLY moseys along to adopt the baby after it spends two years in the orphanage are one male and one female...OOH! So sorry! We hate you too much to give this child a loving family. NEXT.

Sure, they've succeeded at ending abortions waiting around until a lone gunman walks into a church and shoots an abortion doctor to death...and then they cheer and praise the lord. What a bunch of charlatans.

This is the funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you.

- Mackenzie - 02-19-2014 01:06 PM

Yeah that sounds pretty ignorant, no that isn't something appropriate to tell someone who is trying to deal with their abortion, and no the guy who got the woman pregnant isn't the father because there isn't a baby anymore.

- Marissa Likeeee - 02-19-2014 01:08 PM

I just joined it.

Edit: Okay okay sorry. it's not appropriate at all for someone that's getting an abortion. But a lot of things go down on facebook. So, we can't really change people's thoughts. I just say that if people want to have an abortion, then that's them. Anyone who's against it can mind their own business.

- Excessiveboot598 - 02-19-2014 01:12 PM

having an abortion nxt week.

- faintArtist785 - 02-19-2014 01:19 PM

Wow thats not cool at all. I dont understand why someone would make a Facebook group about such a touchy subject, and then name it something so disrespectful.

- Toughvan363 - 02-19-2014 01:19 PM

that is so true. I joined. Smile

- crapbag - 02-19-2014 01:22 PM

Haha, guys, no one cares what rude facebook groups you're joining. Omg, I hate pro-lifers, I don't care if that sounds "intolerant"-- they're intolerant of my bodily choices, so whatever.

I think whoever is sad enough to sit there and go "I'm gonna create this stupid, hostile, pointless facebook group so a bunch of other sad people can congregate and be hateful together" needs friends, a drink, or maybe some life experience.

And I would never tell a woman that she should or should not consider herself a mother, or her terminated pregnancy a baby. That's her choice and her choice alone. I would not personally consider my aborted fetus a child, and I would not consider myself a mother.