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facebook surnames? privacy issues? - Printable Version

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facebook surnames? privacy issues? - MISSB - 02-19-2014 12:36 PM

Does anyone put their full names of face-book, with a REAL surname?

i don't know if i should use my real surname or not because i've heard so many bad things about it, for example :

What do you think? any suggestions?

i was even thinking of putting something silly like GELATI (a type of ice-cream lol).

- tixayt - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

better not use it then Tongue

- Austin J - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

if you make your profile very private, it will be really hard for people to find anything about you. you could also just not put your address on your profile or any other personal information you'll be safe

- AT - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

I have my real surname, but only use my first name's initials. If you use your real fullname, the advantage and disadvantage is that people can just type your name in there and find you. Depending on whether you want those people to find you, it's a good or bad thing. And the reason I use my initials is mainly because to "hide" from people I don't want to find me.

If you only want people you know personally to know about your Facebook, just go with a fake name.

Plus, you have the option to make your profile private and only viewable by people on your friends list.

- Ray <3 - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

Just set your FB to private, so people have to know you to be able to find you. If your concerned, you could just use your last initial, like "rachel f" or whatever. I know a lot of people will use famous names or nicknames as well, like friends who's are "Alicia Cullen" or something. Just set it private so people only see you if they know you.