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Financial Literacy not taught in a majority of High schools/Middle Schools, Why? - Printable Version

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Financial Literacy not taught in a majority of High schools/Middle Schools, Why? - Ashlee - 02-19-2014 12:36 PM

A big majority of mainstream high schools/middle schools don't teach students about the stock market and finances, why? (Most schools teach of things that students won't ever need in life; depending in what career field one would go into, but financial literacy seems to be very important.) Is the government trying to keep this valuable info purposefully "secret" from minorities? Could some one try to explain this to me. Thank you.

- Brent G - 02-19-2014 12:40 PM

School boards determine that other things are higher priority
Not all districts require 4 years of social studies (which econ would fall under) so if they're only teaching up to 10th grade there is more pertinent subject matter plus its probably going to be above the comprehension level for an average 10th grader
Most public schools don't have a teacher qualified for an extensive lesson so is a watered down version worth it?
When its been offered as an elective it has shown low interest by the students

Many schools partner with Junior Achievement or similar programs that actually send in financial professionals to the schools to teach it at all levels of school. If you're looking for a worthwhile charity check them out.

- Kings - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

Ashlee the issue has to do with fields of specialty
but i see specialty of fields of study as tools of self satisfaction.

- exactduke - 02-19-2014 12:52 PM

I've also thought a personal finance course (in high school) would not be a bad idea. Maybe schools think that's something for parents to teach??
I did have a personal finance course in college - it was required.

- David - 02-19-2014 01:01 PM

This is a really good question you should ask your Congressman and School Board.

To try and pin this on a specific class of people though would be carrying it too far ("secret from minorities" would be a conspiracy theory).

A great change has been accomplished in our public schools by the Humanists. Humanism is a rejection of appeals to the supernatural or to some higher authority; essentially, a rejection of God. For gov't, there is no "higher authority" than them. They write the laws and they are in control with great power over the individual.

Humanism is an approach to education that uses literary means or a focus on the humanities to inform students. It is a secular ideology which espouses reason, ethics, and justice, whilst specifically rejecting supernatural and religious dogma as a basis of morality and decision-making. Man knows better than any god, reason is superior to wisdom, and whatever feels good is good, and whatever is "right" by reason is right. Humanists are a relative minority—numbering between four and five million people worldwide in 31 countries, so indeed, this smacks of a conspiracy.

It is the obvious agenda of humanists in power to remove God from all aspects of life. They have done this primarily by promoting Evolution as fact. If evolution is true, then the Bible is false and there is no God, in which case there is no absolute morals or virtue or purpose in life or reason to live. By the humanist view, we rely entirely on man. We've OUTDONE GOD and allowed a lie to rule over truth. We've allowed men to have complete control over our lives and reason, exactly as a few power mongers intended. On the other hand, at a VERY MINIMUM, teach both as theory/possibility, side-by-side for the students to decide. Life isn't fair but our schools should be. We're not talking about some political ploy here, we're talking about foundations. What happens when you crack a foundation?

Why is evolution, a theory about fictional made-up history, taught as if it is the same as operational science? Why is a fundamentally religious idea, a dogmatic belief system that fails to explain the evidence, taught in science classes? Evolution isn't even a good premise, let alone a good theory. Anybody asserting evolution as a fact either does not understand evidence, or is confused about science. How is this different than "mythology & folklore?" How silly is that, a philosophy based on a myth (no evidence) without a beginning? I prefer fairy tales and folklore to being lied to by evolutionists. • When “Science” is the factory by which we “approve” or “filter” – Man is judge

What do atheists have to gain by promoting evolution? What is the purpose of a conspiracy? Generally, it is about control, then they can provide The Answer. Evolution promotes abortion, racism, euthanasia, socialism, infanticide, fascism, promiscuity, humanism and all are justified by “survival of fittest” and "natural" behavior". If all of these things are true to the good of all, what is "truth?" Again, the humanist man wants to be Judge over all people, all things, all thoughts, and all decisions; man wants to be a god.

When the Courts took God out of the schools and became indoctrination centers for humanism, the children of God should have followed God out of the schools. Every Church should have become a school or educational center supporting home schooling and day care centers. Every Christian parent has a responsibility to raise up their child in the ways of God - abandoning their children into government schools for governmental indoctrination completely ignores that responsibility and a generation of our youth has been lost.

A wealthy person is potentially a person of power. If more than half of the people are wealthy or powerful, where does that leave the humanists and power mongers in gov't? That's a scary thought; too scary to ignore.