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How do i deal with her sneaky ex and this stupid situation? - Printable Version

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How do i deal with her sneaky ex and this stupid situation? - NativePride1994 - 02-19-2014 12:36 PM

Two days ago, I played one of those "fun games" on fb where if you like a friends weird status post, it turns out to be a game where you then have to write a weird status too..i was bored so i did it. My post was "Someone offered me a job as a prostitute but im hesitant". All fun and games, some of my friends started playing big deal.

My girlfriend, however, was not too happy about it and expressed to me how anxious the post made her. i told her it was a joke and to join in on the game. She did not find it funny, AT ALL and in fact did join the game posting, "I'm still in love with my ex".

She did this to get on my nerves as pay back. Thing is, im positive that her ex still does love her. And She liked the post that my girlfriend wrote and also commented on one of her pictures saying "such a cutie".

I've been dating my girlfriend for 2 years now and we rarely fight. Her ex though, I feel she has been waiting for us to break up so she can swoop in and be with my girlfriend again. My gf dumped her for me so ever since she's been "heart broken" even though they only dated for a month ._. her ex even brought her to a concert while we were dating, im assuming to win her back. She's never directly talked to me but just recently also sent my gf a txt saying "If i cant have you, can we atleast be freinds?" Seriously?

I don't know how to feel about this because I dont want to over react. Ya my girlfriend loves me, but her ex is so fucking sneaky and i don't like her and my girlfriend knows that. I'm angry at her right now bc of her facebook status. What should I do about all of this? What would you do?

- moca - 02-19-2014 12:40 PM

This always works and never fails.

Talk to her about it very calmly , do not yell at her do not get angry, simply be calm and controlled and ask her about it and try find a way that works for both of you.

If she does not want to do anything and she keeps hurting you and giving you crap. Then just dump her.

Iknwo it was two years, but if she is going to be acting like that then she isn't worth it in the long run. It's better just to find someone else who does not use trashy tactics.

The truth is though, she may have been hurt about somethign so, when you ask her whats up

Do it like this...

"hey, did I do something that caused you to do that?"

"what can I do to make it better?"

Do not say

"YOU did this!" or "ITS YOUR FAULT!"

try to avoid blaming her for the situation bc itcan make her defensive

good luck baby