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Ramadan:Why less developed nations blindly follow the developed nations? - Printable Version

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Ramadan:Why less developed nations blindly follow the developed nations? - Muhammad Javed - 02-19-2014 12:37 PM

Making the same mistakes that ruined their social life.

Too much media companies showing all types of vulgar films.
Matches of every game played by any team and emphasis on
crime reporting.

And sex laced adverstisements of every damn thing be it a mobile or a laptop.

Why no time is devoted to pondering over problems and finding a solution The society is supporting the media, but media has proved a parasite to society!

Is there no intellectual to think?

Anybody home?

- use common sense - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

Because they want to develop and prosper too. Duh... They are also getting in boats and risking their lives trying to enter Western countries illegally.

As for the "sex laced advertisements", there is nothing out there more immoral than Islam. Islam is the epitome of immorality. When your own prophet sanctioned pedophilia and polygamy, who are you to talk about morals?

- smallsoda093 - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

This is the main problem with Muslims, and the reason they are behind everyone. Because, they are seeking honour in other than Allah (ï·»).... So Allah (ï·») will humiliate them.

Unless they return back to Allah (ï·») and stop seeking honour in disbelievers, and Allah (ï·») had already forbidden them from allying with them and blindly copying them, then they will stay where they are humiliated.

There is nothing wrong with learning from the good.
But if it contradicts Allah's religion, then following it will be our path to destruction.

"We are a people who were Honoured by Islam, So if we seek Honour in other than Islam, We will be Humiliated by Allah (ï·»)"

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

- Happy-go-lucky - 02-19-2014 12:54 PM

Why don't people in less developed countries get up off their lazy butts and do something to improve their lot? I mean some people in poorest countries have LOTS of free time on their hands and they can do a lot with their free time. You should go to less developed countries and see how many lazy men are squatting out in the sun and gossiping with their equally lazy friends. You see a lot of men's laziness in Yemen, Morocco, Jordan, Algeria, etc.
It is a shame that they let their women walk over great distances to fetch water and carry back heavy vessels or water on heads.
Why don't the poor lazy men get together and start building ditches and wells - and build rivers too? Now that would give women more time to do other things like learning new skills, for example dressmaking, weaving, growing myriad crops in fields. With food produces, men could buy tools for carpentry, metalwork, etc. Little by little, men and women can create wealth for themselves and children and also for their disadvantaged neighbours.
The poorest countries can easily help themselves instead of lazing around and expecting handouts from wealthier hard-working nations.

After all, Prophet Muhammad did say that an upper hand is better than a lower hand. He meant the industrious person who works hard for wealth and gives charity to the poors.

- Skyfall - 02-19-2014 01:03 PM

The rerality is, they are advancing faster than the developed nations and stepping over mistakes we made...

Take the phone service.... Almost everyopne in the developing countries have cell phones... many in the west do not... go figure...