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How to best use social media marketing for my business? - Printable Version

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How to best use social media marketing for my business? - Elle - 10-14-2012 01:20 PM

I would like to start using social media to market my nursery/kindergarten in the UK. I was thinking of using Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn...would all of these be useful for my type of business?

Also, how would I best utilise these tools to get the full benefits of social media marketing?

- Louise - 10-14-2012 01:28 PM

Yes you can build a facebook fanpage with the same name as your nursery and post pictures and news bits on the page but i would suggest building a website. it is easy and free if you do it on webs. this is the link
it is realy easy and it takes you step by step.

- Muhammad Ali - 10-14-2012 01:28 PM

What about HACKING phones and Emails ---- just like - News of the World - Newspaper did recently

- Jose Jimenez - 10-14-2012 01:28 PM

Hi Elle, of the social media tools you've mentioned I would imagine that Facebook and Twitter are more relevant. LinkedIn probably isn't going to be suitable for your business.

My advice would be to decide what you what you want to achieve first and then look at the tools which are going to be best suited to reach these goals. Use social media in conjunction with your other marketing efforts too. Local social media marketing is what you need to look at as you will presumably be interested in attracting local people to your nursery or nurseries. Google Places (see link to my blog post) for example is possibly an area you should consider to attract customers.

I am actually based in London in the UK so therefore I would be happy to provide you a free consultation which will give you a steer in the right direction. I'm finding that there are many businesses who are jumping into Facebook when it may not necessarily be right for their business. Its important to note that these social networks require time and patience, and it's not worth spreading yourself too thinly. The key is to ensure you are using social media effectively (with objectives in place) whilst promoting the expertise and the caring nature of your business.

My blog has quite a few tips which should be useful. My contact details are also available if you want to take up the free consultation. Thanks and good luck!


- Amanda Marie - 10-14-2012 01:28 PM

I read this similar article that could help you out, but it's for designers
Where it would say follow designers, try to follow kid friendly organizations, and stuff like that.
Hopes this helps!

- Dexter - 10-14-2012 01:28 PM

Hi Elle,

Yes, you can use them in putting your nursery/kindergarten school online. And, I would also suggest to have a YouTube channel to increase your online presence.

Here are some tips on social media marketing:
1. Have a strategic plan to start with.
2. Be knowledgeable with the hows and whats of SMM.
3. Complete your profile information, put links on your main site (if you have).
4. Integrate each social media platforms
5. Converse with your audience. Incorporate the 80/20 rule. 80% of conversation 20% of self promotion.

Hope this helps.