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Social Media Question? - Dancerx2 - 10-14-2012 01:21 PM

If I want to go in to a career with Facebooking and Twitter, like updating social media sites for company's, What Direction should I go in to for college? I need help

- Dancerx2 - 10-14-2012 01:29 PM

I prefer Twitter. If your friends are all on twitter then go for that.

- Tom - 10-14-2012 01:29 PM

If I were you I would look to get a background in Public relations. PR is in this direction right now and social media is becoming a very prevalent part of our everyday lives. At least you know that if the Facebooking career doesn't work out you can work in PR. I dont know your grades but take a look at Syracuse's New House School of communications, its among the top in the country.

- Richard - 10-14-2012 01:29 PM

Sociology/psycology and business/public relations . That combination will help. Social media is more about relationships than the platforms.

- mack verma - 10-14-2012 01:29 PM

It has nothing to do with your academics. Many successful Social Media Strategist never attended any formal degree course to get advanced in the field. To be honest it really demands you to be updated with the latest trends in Social Media.

Keep searching the giant called "Internet" for latest tips and tricks about social media. There are many aspects of it. Learn how to get Huge Followers on Twitter, How to optimize a MySpace Profile to get tons of friends, How to adopt viral marketing using Facebook (Learn how to Design and Create an Effective Fanpage).

Social Media is a Great resource to generate the Leads quickly. If you have a huge base of Followers, Friends and Connections in all your Social Networks, you earnings drive crazy. Again only Twitter and Facebook does not define Social Media there are thousands of other networks which can bring you Targeted Traffic for your Products or Services.

Coming back to your question You can go for any course you want to pursue it doesn't matter. There is only one thing which matters: - How Much you keep yourself Updated with the Current Trends.

Remember the Words" People Never Fail At Internet Marketing - They Just Quit Before Success Happens"

Hope that Helps.