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I don't like this guy, but I always think about him? - Printable Version

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I don't like this guy, but I always think about him? - Breezy2443 - 02-19-2014 12:38 PM

K so I used to rlly like this guy and I think he used to like me. But now we are most def just friends nd i don't feel the same way that I did before. I can stand in front of him and tell myself that I do not have romantic feelings for him. However, I still always think about him and I like to know what he's doing thru facebook, twitter or tumblr or his whereabouts. I'm curious as to everythng he does and even though i really dont think i like him in a lovey sense, i still care about him? opinions plz.

- bluebear - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

hes ur friend so u care bout him ?

- Sleeping Pillow - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

Yes you DEFINANTLY still care or him, you two are not just friends, friends DONT keep stalking their fb/twitter etc. I think you are forcing yourself to not like him, but you really do like him. Its easy to tell your brain you dont like someone but its hard to tell your heart that. You think too much, you obviously still like him.

- Petar Popi - 02-19-2014 12:49 PM

I think that he made nice impression to you, that he's a nice guy, and that you like the person he is, what he does and cause he treated you nice. Most probably you still have feelings deep inside, the best way to find out is to talk to him in person.