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How to convince my parents into letting me have a facebook? - Printable Version

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How to convince my parents into letting me have a facebook? - Briyanna M - 02-19-2014 12:38 PM

Hi i am 13, 14 in three weeks. [: and i want a facebook. not because all my friends have one.. well that is part of it but for the most part i am just BORED on the computer. Myspace doesnt intrest me. i have been on with my friends...uhh not that great. and i always hear about ppl getting stalked on myspace. I heard facebook has really good privacy settings. which is good. My mom i dont think really cares, but my dad might. i havent really asked but if he doesnt want me to i need some things to back me up. AND MY DAD HAS A FACEBOOK! so i dont understand why it should be that big of a problem. but if it is..any ideas to convince them..?

- James - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

Facebook has dozens of privacy settings, you can even make yourself unfindable on Facebook if you choose so. You can also control what information is shown to who. I would simply ask your father first before pondering too much about it. If he does not allow you to, I wouldn't get too upset. There have been cases of kids getting into situations because of Facebook, although only because they didn't put any thought into what information they posted, such as their address.

- Ungratefulscale436 - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

Why not just ask ? You are already assuming he is going to say no. If he has one then maybe you can agree that you will be his friend on there so he can keep an eye on your profile. That way if he sees something he thinks is inappropriate or anything else he can ask you to change it. That should gain some trust from him to show you can handle the responsiblity of having the Facebook in the first place.

- BADNESS - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

Well ask can you have a face book if you let your parents have your pass word and if they are your friend. If not then no!!! It is a place that you can get yourself into alot of trouble. Your dad I hope has since but who nows some parents dont. Sounds as if your parets do as tehy are watching you!! Only if parents can keep trak. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! you may not like what I said but you will when you get a 14 year old daugther!!