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Why do people make fake Facebook account? - Printable Version

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Why do people make fake Facebook account? - Ismail - 02-19-2014 12:38 PM

- D-Smithy - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

everyone has a different reason for creating a fake account. it might be because they want to ruin someones relationship, or just because they like living a double life. it is hard to answer that question unless we have more details as to what they are doing

- Camryn - 02-19-2014 12:53 PM

Some people are so insecure about the way they look that they think a solution would be to make people think there someone else (someone "more attractive") i don't agree with this but it is what it is. theres other reasons as well but i think that's probably the main one.

- Luckyjinx15 - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

I made one just for my games, I loved Farmville so much and enjoyed a lot of other FB games after that. A fake FB account gives me the privacy I need for my personal life and all the anonymity I need for adding unknown people as clan mates or neighbors, a requirement of most games. Well, that's just my point of view.

- david w - 02-19-2014 01:05 PM

I used to do it so I could be "friends" with myself, back when I used to actually play those stupid FB games, and use the accounts to send items back and forth.

- robertowallace - 02-19-2014 01:06 PM

There are a lot of reasons:
People that don't trust the way Facebook or any other social media manage their personal information, and preffer to keep their real identity out of social networks (I'm one).

People ho has a second intention (no legal) and create acount(s) to manipulate other persons creating false friendship with another hiden intentions.

People that is not selfconfidence enough, and preffer to create a fake character, one that have the charisma, popularity, sympathy, joy that their real personallity don't have.

Peope that make commercial use of the social media, and get a huge amount of "friends", flollwers, likers to have a greater target marked to sell something (making recomendatiosn to his(her) friends)

In short, there is a huge amount of reasons, each user may have its own.

Good luck.

- Daniel - 02-19-2014 01:10 PM

Some People Do it Because There Afraid Of Showing Who They Really Are on Facebook Some People Do it To Get Someone to Talk to Them There is Lots of Other Reasons As Well

Making Fake Accounts Tho on Facebook is Not Allowed