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Scope of Social media jobs in US? - Printable Version

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Scope of Social media jobs in US? - hamza_zafar - 10-14-2012 01:43 PM

A friend of mine have just landed on a very good related with social media in a reputable company. Here would be his job description:

Responsible for identifying and categorizing relevant social media (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Blogs etc.) networking channels, he will study and formulate processes for initiating and monitoring social networking channels. Ultimately, responsible for managing perception of the public and increasing public awareness about the project by indulging in regular conversations on these social media and devising strategies to increase outreach of the project through social media.

Other responsibilities will include participating in conversations on various online mediums and initiating such conversations to increase brand awareness. Furthermore, the incumbent will be required to participate actively in creation of viral content at all levels from brainstorming for new ideas through writing of content to creation of audio-visual media.

Want to ask that if he continues this for a year or two, he'll get some good experience and would probably move to the managerial layer. So considering all that, and that he has a BSc degree, what would likely be the job scope for him in USA? Any chances that he could get a job offering around 90k a year or something around this figure?

Currently, the future of mobile application developers look quite promising, along with some other fields that can somehow guarantee this kind of income, so I wanted to know if it looks the same. I searched about the related jobs by myself on monster and some other job portals, but the average is around 55k only.

Any help, along with a source would be appreciated!

- kckid2 - 10-14-2012 01:51 PM

I remember when color TVs came out. It was a hot time to be a TV repair person.

TVs only got better. And in many respects, cheaper.

TV repair jobs... not so much.

Twitter, facebook, MySpace... they seem to be here to stay. Categorizing social media... not sure about that. Could be just a passing fancy,,, then back to school.