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How do I put soundcloud on my facebook Page? - Printable Version

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How do I put soundcloud on my facebook Page? - Crazy Joe - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

I synced or linked Soundcloud to my facebook, and have the Soundcloud app on facebook, but is there a way to put a Soundcloud player on the facebook Page(not on my main facebook profile)?

I have seen at least one person with a soundcloud player that had a playlist in it, but I saw that on myspace, and Soundcloud only has a single song player for me in the widgets section.

- Jami - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

Hi There, Jami from SoundCloud here.

Facebook has made some big changes to their platform, making Timeline default for all profiles.
Because of this, we have had to disable our tab app and it's become our Timeline app for personal profiles.

If you are looking to create a tab on a Facebook page which displays your sounds, we suggest using RootMusic's BandPage

In regards to creating a player with multiple sounds in it, you can do this by adding your sounds to a set. For more information on sets check here:

I hope this help clear things up, let me know if you have any further questions,