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Homework and organization tips for the lazy, slow, easily distracted person? - Printable Version

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Homework and organization tips for the lazy, slow, easily distracted person? - oreochocolate01 - 02-19-2014 12:39 PM

I'm a really consistent crammer. I'm lazy and can be easily distracted by Facebook, Yahoo! Messenger, Twitter and my books. Even though my homework is fast and easy, I get bored when I'm doing it so I always have to really FORCE myself to do it. I'm also a really slow worker. I can't really reward myself with anything since...well, I simply don't have the money for those and I can't ask my parents since they're always out and they don't have enough money either.

- Emma ; - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

Snap, I spent my uni years finding anything else but my studying todo. First off do you REALLY need your computer on to do your homework, if not turn it off, turn your telly off and turn your radio off. No matter how well you think you work with background noise I promise you will do better with out it. Work out a study timetable, think about how long you have to complete your work and how many hours you should spend on it, make sure you plan around activities you really don't want to miss, if you see your friends at certain times in the evenings don't plan your study at same time, same with fave tv programmes, If you do need the computer turn off and log out of all distractions, IM, Twitter Facebook and your mobile, You will survive being out of contact for an hour. If you really find yourself unable to stay away from these distractions, change where you study, If you have a laptop take it to family areas and make sure your family understands you need to study and have them look over your shoulder once in a while, if this isn't an option try your local library to study. Taking up spac eon a computer there might make you focus on your task I know I feel bad checking social sites whilst there as other people want the computers too, not only that but your sat in a room of reference material. If you can't stand to be away from friends that long, consider a study group, as long as your careful not too end up copying each other, studying in a group can really improve your grades, and make homework a tiny tiny bit more enjoyable, also studying at the same time means your free at the same time to hang out. As for rewards, they don't need to cost anything, set a timer for 45 minutes and do your homework, then have half an hour, in front of tv, whilst giving your self a manicure, or sit with a cup of tea and a magazine before going back to study (by the way I studied psychology at uni and found that 45 mins is the optimum amount of time to study, whilst giving yourself enough time to really get in to your work and yet not too long that your mind drifts)
I hope some of this helps

- Akava - 02-19-2014 12:54 PM

Since you're so distracted by other websites, log out or (even better) turn the computer off when you're doing homework. If you have less things distracting you, you'll focus better on your homework and even get things finished faster. Go to a quiet room and just find a situation where you have as little distractions as possible. Honestly, if you do that, things should improve.
A natural reward will come out of it too: better grades and more time to do other things later.