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I'm feeling a little suspicious of my neighbour? - Printable Version

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I'm feeling a little suspicious of my neighbour? - i like turtles - 02-19-2014 12:40 PM

I live in a small town, near by to the city in Connecticut, it is quite nice, about 2000 people live here, there is lots to do but it is still small and everyone seems to know each other, it is just a nice place to live and it is a great place to raise a family.

Recently a house went up for sale near where I live, it is very nice, quite a large garden and it is in front of the woods, it was sold quickly and there was a few weeks of construction and landscaping work done before someone moved in.

Okay so first thing I noticed is he is very young, I'd say early twenties, he has fairly long hair, half way down his neck, and 5 o clock shadow, he dresses very nicely, usually chinos or khakis and a shirt and v neck sweater, so quite smart and very clean.

The first thing I noticed is he is some what of a recluse, he does not talk to people, he very rarely has visitors and he lives alone, he rarely leaves his garden or the local woods, he orders in his shopping and he has not had any form of house warming (as most people do)

My husband saw him in the woods sat by the river and he had earphones on, my husband went over to say hello and apparently he was very polite but seemed uncomfortable (well what was to be uncomfortable about) also we have sent him two invites since he moved in, one for our BBQ and another for a party, both of which he did not show up for.

He also seems to go for a walk at night a lot, into the main centre of the town and he looks so in his own world, like he will smile completely randomly, I just think it looks odd.

I decided rather than letting myself get paranoid I would do some sleuthing by which I mean the electricity in my house went and my husband had the electricity key (he was buying it on the way home) so I went to his house because my baby needed his milk warmed up.

When we got there he seemed quite uncomfortable but he welcomed us in and he was very polite about it, he said we could wait at his until my husband got home, but I noticed a few things, firstly the place was really clean, no clutter whatsoever, no cracks in the walls or undone laundry the cupboards were perfectly organized, his books were organized and the place was really nice, he showed me around and it was just mad how clean the place was.

Another thing was he had a lot of books, which I think is normal, books are great, but he also had a lot of books on really obscure interests, ranging from science to wine tasting, or history to analysing poems, seriously there was such a massive range and he had on one shelf loads of college notebooks and he clearly studies the things in the books, and he spoke very well, like a private school boy but when I asked him he said that he went to a school that I know has a really bad reputation.

I asked if I could use his computer and he showed me to his "study" and I accidently saw his blog which is kind of obscure, it has hundreds of entries with loads of different subjects, mostly social sciences, politics or the media but he included really long ones on random subjects like astronomy, another thing I found was he had a notebook of notes about the stock market right next to his computer and I found the site he traded on, I was quite intrigued, also in his top drawer he had a large notebook full of aims and goals and it was titled (bettering myself) and it is all about learning languages and new hobbies, he seems to spend a lot of his day studying things, he also had a makeshift gym in his basement and he told me he works out for 2.5 hours a day non stop.

Something else I noticed on his computer was a file entitled writing and in it there was more files Short stories, Manuscripts, Novels etc. and each of those files had loads of other documents in it, the short stories file had over 1000 short stories.

Also he showed me some photo albums and there were loads of pictures of him when he was younger, usually with family or recurring friends and in them all he has short back and sides and he is in the Scouts and is part of a sailing club.

Don't get me wrong, he was very nice to me and very polite and he is obviously a remarkable, intelligent young man, but what I don't get is why is he in this situation, he lives alone in a tiny town, no university education despite being very clever, he is clearly working very hard to be different to how he was, he looks different and he seems to be a little OCD about things.

I just have this feeling he is on the run or something silly like that, can you think of a reason he may be like this, he mentioned school bullying and a short stint at a near by university but he flunked out after the first year.

Any ideas, or am I just being a mad old housewife?

- Ceejay - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

He sounds like a young, intelligent introvert. Bullying can affect someone's personality, making them retreat into themselves more. Or he may just be socially awkward and would rather read and find out about the world instead of socialize. I know people like that. And the incredible cleanliness? Sounds like my father. Some people just don't like socializing as much and won't divulge much information about themselves until they get closer to you. His money probably comes from the stock exchange or even from writing. The books that he has could be for research when he's writing.

I don't think he's on the run but it would be awesome if he was. That'd be interesting and not to mention exciting. Or he could be in the small town for a bit of research. Who knows? We may just be making his life sound far more exciting than it really is.

I get the whole smiling and walking at night thing. Sure it looks incredibly abnormal to outsiders but if he's a writer, it's perfectly normal. He could be thinking of interesting scenerios in his head or past memories. I love writing and I do that a lot and find myself grinning when I love an idea of mine. It gives you inspiration.

It's obvious he's a writer though and not a very social one. He likes to be by himself but his behaviour to me is totally normal because I'm pretty similar. Don't worry, I don't think he's a fugitive on the run, lol. He has the average characteristics of a good writer Smile

- Niki - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

You are the definition of a mad old housewife. You went through this man's personal files then decide to judge him based on what you found. Also, I have moved a few times and NEVER had a house warming. It really isn't something you do anymore unless you are older with kids. And if neighbors I didn't know (especially if they were spying on me) invited me to a party I would never go. I don't know many people who go to neighborhood parties, and being new there he might be uncomfortable around a group of strangers he doesn't know.
He sounds like he has some anxiety problems, which may be why he couldn't finish college. If everything is neat and ordered and he seems uncomfortable around other people it sounds like anxiety. Just because someone isn't a social butterfly and likes interesting things does not mean he is on the run from someone.
I would really recommend you find a hobby. I really am not trying to be mean, but you are judging someone based on very few facts and the assumption that if someone is different than you are something must be wrong with them.

- Tyrus - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

It sounds like something right out of a movie,Which I can see your reason for worries for in almost every movie that a new neighbor, moves in they often have a dark an dangerous secret and want to just be left alone. I think its best you just let him be, he seems like a intrusting but very off individual, very to himself. I don't think he's in trouble with the law, but than again I could be wrong, He seems so love to learn which is great, but on subjects that seem a little odd. but then again he's young, and looking to broaden is mind, I think you should keep an eye out for your family, and lock up at night and just mind yourself, if he wanted friends, and was friendly I think he would have tried by now. just let it be, some people just want to be left alone, and often its for a good reason, Alrighty then, stay safe.and I hope I helped.

- Sommer - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

It's always good to be cautious and observant when it comes to people. Especially new neighbors. I actually think that's preferable when you're a mom and have a kid. So don't let yourself feel bad for being suspicious.
Quite honestly he could just be an introvert in the extreme. Which is just someone who isn't comfortable or doesn't find it easy to talk or interact with people.
I know cause' I'm one of them.
For those types, you have to work to get them to relax around you. It's like they live in a bubble. Where they don't particularly need to interact with others to be happy. They are perfectly fine with their own thoughts for company.
Sometimes they may want to interact with people, but don't really know how or the right way to approach someone. And there's an anxiety that comes with being around several people when you don't know how to do these things, which may be why he wouldn't come to your parties.
He may be really sweet but just not great at interacting