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How has the social media influence teens over the years? - Printable Version

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How has the social media influence teens over the years? - sam s - 10-14-2012 02:46 PM

I was wondering how has the media changed or influenced teens pver the years? I was speaking with my grnadmother and she was telling me women show more skin now they have texting everything has changed from when she was a girl? what is the explination for that?

- Jenny - 10-14-2012 02:54 PM

Of course the way live today isn't the same as it was when your grandmother was young, it's a completley new generation with new technologies. Each generation becomes more open minded and raise their children that way, then they raise their children that way, and so on, you can't expect each generation to do things exactly the same. T.V and video games also desensitize children because they grow up watching things like sex, love, violence, drugs, fasion and it becomes a norm to them, somthing they've known they're whole lives. I dont nessicarily think of it as a bad thing, todays youth is much more accepting of other people and their cultures, beliefs, ect. In my opinion, the world could always use more of that.