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How can 300 million people have a totally warped view of erroneously refered to as Socialism? - Printable Version

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How can 300 million people have a totally warped view of erroneously refered to as Socialism? - Sexiest Man Alive - 10-14-2012 02:52 PM

Socialism is a throw back to the Cold War really referring to 2nd World Countries such as the old East European states.

Any affluent country in the West is a combination of Capitalist free market policies, and social programs...including America.

- victoriousbanana239 - 10-14-2012 03:00 PM

300 million don't only a handful of McCain supporters do.

- ms wheedler - 10-14-2012 03:00 PM

They don't have Civics Class in school anymore. Sad!

- justagirl - 10-14-2012 03:00 PM

Ignorance. It's actually a throwback as far as the 1800s, when Socialism first became an issue in America with immigrants from actual Socialist countries. I'm afraid a lot of people must have failed their American History, World History, and Government classes in High School. I have a degree in history, and I'm working on a degree in anthropology, and my original goal was to become the head curator of my state's Historical Society. But the more time I spend on this forum, the more I'm leaning towards becoming a teacher instead!

- JB - 10-14-2012 03:00 PM

That's the irony! "Men make their own history, but not of their own choosing," Marx said.

Well, you're looking at a Cold War, baby-boomer generation who decided to make their own history . . . by not learning about Marx, socialism, or Cold War propaganda. When "men make their own history," it often amounts to willful ignorance.
Oh geez, somebody please call RitchWilliams on his own willful ignorance. "From each / to each" is not from the Communist Manifesto!, and that is Leninist, not Marxist!!!

- Obama Bin Laden - 10-14-2012 03:00 PM

People will believe whatever Barrack Obama tells them to believe.

- Obama = Hope - 10-14-2012 03:00 PM

Stars for you! I believe they are only listening to their candidates spouting nonsense about their opponent and don't take the time to do any research.

- Me G - 10-14-2012 03:00 PM

I'm there with you. I don't really understand people any more. America is the "new" way - socialism is very old, and has never even come close to achieving the wealth and prosperity of free America.

- william k - 10-14-2012 03:00 PM

Socialism has murdered 100 million innocents in the last century. Cuba was transformed from a paradise to a hell by socialism. The same is happening now to Venezuela.

Anything that destroys human individual freedoms and makes people PROPERTY is evil. Socialism is evil. Socialists are enemies to anyone who likes freedom.

- Bub - 10-14-2012 03:00 PM

It is hard to understand how so many supposedly functioning adults can't figure out we have had a lot of socialism for many, many years and it has been a positive thing for many people. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, military, public schools, police, firemen, unemployment, etc.

It is patriotic for the rich to help the poor of their nation. Therefore it is patriotic for everyone to pay their "fair" share of taxes. And yes, in this election, a lot of people have erroneously referred to Obama's plan as socialism in a negative way.

I guess all these people make more than $200,000.00 per year?

Good for them, for the rest of the 95% of workers, wake up and smell the coffee. The repubs have already sold your birthright by outsourcing your and your descendent's high paying jobs to third world countries to fatten their wallet. Not very patriotic of them is it?