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Former friend told me I should kill myself, and that past abuse was all my fault. I can't get over this.? - Printable Version

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Former friend told me I should kill myself, and that past abuse was all my fault. I can't get over this.? - ShogunOrta - 02-19-2014 12:41 PM

First, I know and have known this person is very off and we are in no way shape or form friends anymore. And second I know that what he told me was all stuff completely contrived just to piss me off. And third, I know I didn't do anything to him to get him this mad at me, but he is anyway.

It's a long drawn out story, but I think in college I went through some hazing or something. Thing is, I wasn't rushing a frat or anything. I just woke up one morning, and the world turned to crap. People who used to be my friends not only turned their backs on me, but they tried to hurt me emotionally, fill my life with anxiety, and I was attacked at a bar. So life's been fun these past 5+ damn years.

I moved away. But recently, it dawned on me that I might find myself back in that same situation with those same people. I need a real job, and the place I left they said that they wanted me back, at least the employees did. But I had to sort of clear the way. So I stood up for myself, confronted my former friend on facebook and told him to leave me alone. Next thing I know he tells me to kill myself. Given I literally don't recall ever doing anything to this person, this was a bit jarring. Plus he says it's all my fault for the bad things that happened to me. After that, first thought in my head was that this guy is a sociopath. Only messed up people think like that.

But for some reason I can't get what he said out of my mind. I think I'm tired of fighting losing battles. If you want to be good, and God help you if you want to be Christian around folks, you're going to lose without devine intervention. Bad people can say a ton of crap to you that you morally could never say to them.

All I'm saying is I think I wasn't given proper direction when growing up about how crappy the world really is. And I think somewhere along the line, my soul has been poisoned and I can't see anything good about this world other than my parents and the stupid naive life I once lived.

Oh and I'm expecting douchey comments once I post this. I guess that's one good thing about these experiences. I always expect the worst now.

- kyle - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

Hey thats life. It sucks but you can't let it get you down. We all have our down moments, just got to not let them get the best of you. Yeah there is a lot of crappy people people out there but you have to realize something is tearing them down just have to stay positive. As posted in last answer I answered for you I don't mind talking to you bout that stuff but you will have to email me since I can't email you from yahoo answers. Mine is in my last reply now