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Any advice for this stupid crush? - Printable Version

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Any advice for this stupid crush? - Phoebe - 02-19-2014 12:42 PM

I'm nearly 15 and the other day I got sent home ill from school, so I caught the bus in the middle of the day back home to the city I live in. At the stop after the place I go to school in, this guy got on who used to go to my school. He now goes to college in the city I live in and is 16.

I know who he is because he used to go to my school and never thought anything of him because its such a big school. He's really good looking though, like super duper good looking! But that's not just it, he seems so nice.
When he got on he looked at me and I did a little smile. He sat on the seat on the other side of the isle from me but I had my feet on the seat next to me and was listening to music, so I was kind of facing him. I was on my phone and a couple of times I looked up and he was looking at me. He might have been wondering why I wasn't in school but then when the bus stopped and he got up, I was standing up too and we were quite close and then he banged his head on the ceiling and did a really cute smile at me.
I smiled back like 'oops' and then he got off the bus. I'm not friends with him on Facebook and I don't follow his Instagram and I've never spoke to him before. He's probably not even thought about me since!

I feel ridiculous because I don't really even know him! Why do you think he was looking at me and smiled at me when he bumped his head?
Do you think I should add him on Facebook or follow him? We've got like 100 mutual friends so its no biggy I guess?

- massiveMaster012 - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

Yes, you should add him on Facebook